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Super Bowls

Blog post -

Super Bowls

Für alle, die beim Zuschauen des Super Bowls am 13. Februar noch einen gesunden Mitternachtssnack benötigen oder mit dem Football-Hype nichts anfangen können, hat KoRo echte Super Bowls zusammengestellt:


Base: Großblättrige Bio Haferflocken, die mit Wasser aufgekocht und mit Bio Ahornsirup und Abrieb von Cassia Zimtstangen verfeinert werden.


Field Goal

Base: Bio Kichererbsen und weißer Bio Basmati Reis



Base: Soja-Joghurt mit Hagebutten Pulver intensiv gelb gefärbt und mit hellem Bio Agavendicksaft gesüßt



    Base: Bio Hanfnudeln und Bio Fusilli aus grünen Erbsen


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    Liebe Grüße
    Natalie vom KoRo Presseteam




    Natalie Wendt

    Natalie Wendt

    Press contact PR Manager KoRo DACH + 49 151 42051506

    Better. Different.

    KoRo is a Berlin-based omnichannel food brand that was founded 2014 with the idea of offering high-quality food at fair prices through skipping trade stages, efficient process flows and bulk packs in a simple design. The company has remained true to this basic idea and today stands out from its competitors thanks to innovative and nutritious products focussing on clean label snacking and functional food. KoRo’s commitment to transparency and innovation drives the company to constantly explore new frontiers in the food sector, making conscious eating a convenient, enjoyable, and enriching experience for all customers offline and online.

    KoRo was founded in Berlin in 2014 and built up by Constantinos Calios and Piran Asci. Florian Schwenkert and Dr Daniel Kundt joined the Management Board in 2020 and 2022. Florian Schwenkert has been CEO of KoRo since 2024. KoRo now employs around 300 people. KoRo's products are sold in its own online shop at, as well as in brick and mortar and online retail stores.

    KoRo Handels GmbH

    Hauptstraße 26
    10827 Berlin