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Global corporate volunteering program TEALS launches in Germany on this year's Girls' & Boys' Day
Global corporate volunteering program TEALS launches in Germany on this year's Girls' & Boys' Day

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Microsoft employees are committed to promoting young people's digital skills

On this year's Girls' and Boys' Day, Microsoft is launching its highly successful teacher skilling and industry volunteering program in Germany. The Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Learning Support) Program is designed to connect students and teachers directly with IT experts and experienced software developers from within the company to enable them to learn hands-on and spark their curiosity about new technologies. An important focus here is the topic of artificial intelligence and the development of programming skills.

At the start of the program in Germany, partner schools in five regions of Germany are already participating. In total, more than 1000 students are to be reached by the end of the school year. On today's Girls' and Boys' Day, around 50 Microsoft employees will be active at all Microsoft Regional Offices in Germany to share their expertise and passion for technology with over 500 young people.

Interactive workshops and hands-on learning experiences

In a series of workshops, participants will be able to experience for themselves how AI systems work and how they can be used meaningfully in everyday and professional contexts. In job talks with the volunteers, they will learn more about career paths in the technology industry.

Amer Gorani, Technology Lead at Microsoft, is volunteering: "The chance to step outside my regular duties at Microsoft and directly influence young minds is both exhilarating and profoundly rewarding. The enthusiasm and tech-savviness of the students highlighted the vital need for our initiative emphasizing the importance of critical engagement with digital media and AI technologies. I look forward to future opportunities to contribute to this important work."

Empowering teachers and students for technology

An essential part of the TEALS Program is the support and training of teachers. Through training and direct exchange of experience with IT professionals, teachers are empowered to integrate current and relevant technology topics into their lessons.

"The workshop and coaching by Microsoft's experts give teachers important insights into the world of technology and they gain impulses to effectively introduce technologies such as artificial intelligence into the classroom," says Jutta Schneider from Helliwood media & education at fjs e.V., who accompanies the program as a pedagogical partner.

Shaping the future through sustainable commitment

"Our goal is to provide a platform where young talents have the tools and network to master and help shape the technologies of the future," summarizes Astrid Aupperle, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Microsoft. "This goes far beyond action days such as Girls' and Boys' Day. Rather, we want to offer regular and sustainable support to teachers through the partnerships between Microsoft volunteers and schools."

The offers of the TEALS Program can be integrated into the regular school day and thus inspire young people for technology in the long term and give them the opportunity to develop continuously.



The Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS) is a Microsoft Philanthropies program that builds sustainable computer science (CS) programs in high schools with a focus on serving students excluded from learning CS because of race, gender, or geography. We help classroom teachers learn to teach computer science on their own by pairing them with industry volunteers and proven curricula.

The TEALS program in Germany is implemented by Helliwood media & education im Förderverein für Jugend und Sozialarbeit e.V. (fjs).


Ina Sesgör & Lilith Schardt

Ina Sesgör & Lilith Schardt

Pressekontakt Kommunikation 030 29381680

Digitale Medien & Bildungsgangebote

Helliwood ist ein Geschäftsbereich des Förderverein für Jugend und Sozialarbeit e.V. (fjs) und verbindet die spezifischen Kompetenzen einer NGO mit den Potenzialen einer Agentur für digitale Medien und erzeugt so praxiserprobte und höchst innovative Bildungsangebote.

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10243 Berlin