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Pets live in every other household in Europe
Pets live in every other household in Europe

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Well-established teams, some new additions: Fressnapf checks the pet population in Europe at the start of the European Championships

Krefeld, 14.06.2024 As part of a recent representative study with more than 36,000 participants, Fressnapf I Maxi Zoo took a close look at the pet population in Europe. The study included strong European Championship nations from France, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands to the DACH countries, Poland, Hungary and Romania. An important finding of the study was that it is not only in soccer that the European teams differ greatly from one another. There are also major differences between the pet-human teams in the European Championship countries.

Perfect Match: Pets live in every second household in Europe
The best news first: the proportion of households with pets in the Fressnapf I Maxi Zoo countries is at a very high level. On average, dogs, cats or other pets live in every second household. While winning the title at the European Championships is a challenge for Hungary, the Eastern European country is the absolute leader when it comes to pets, with a share of 60 percent. The European Championship favorite Poland can look forward to an equally high proportion of pets. Denmark, which is hoping to reach at least the round of 16 in soccer, is in last place with 40%, but is in the fast lane compared to previous years. The countries also differ in terms of new additions: Poland has the highest proportion of new pet owners at 36%. It is also interesting to note that those who like pets are often not satisfied with just one pet. On average, 58 percent of all pet owners own several pets. Romania has the highest proportion of multi-pet households at 66 percent.

At an average age of 46, pet owners are significantly older than any professional soccer player
Pet owners in Europe seem to agree on the perfect age for pet ownership. The average age in the Fressnapf I Maxi Zoo countries is 46. At almost 48 years, Germany has the highest average age. A fun fact on the side: Germany is also sending the oldest team to the tournament with an average age of 28.4 years. The second-oldest European Championship team is the Danes with an average age of 27.8. Not so with the pet owners. Denmark is the only country in Europe where pet owners tend to be younger, with an average age of 45.

Dog or cat? There are differences across Europe as to who is number one
That leaves the crucial question of dog vs. cat. Are there countries that are more likely to be on the cat team, while others tend to favor dogs? A look at the figures shows: The Fressnapf I Maxi Zoo countries can definitely be assigned to one of these two categories. While cats come first in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Belgium, dogs are the most popular pets in Poland, Hungary and Denmark. Only the Netherlands and Romania do not want to commit themselves clearly to one team. Here, the shares of dogs and cats are almost equal. On the other hand, almost all countries are united when it comes to cat ownership. With the exception of Germany, the country that traditionally favors house pets, cats are kept outdoors in all other European countries. On their forays, outdoor cats often cover several kilometers, comparable to the distance covered by professional footballers during a European Championship match.

It will be exciting to see which country will hold the European Championship trophy in mid-July. But anyone in Europe who forms an unbeatable team with a dog, cat or mouse can already celebrate as a winner.




About the Fressnapf Group:

The Fressnapf Group is the European market leader for pet supplies. Since the opening of the first "Freßnapf" specialty store in 1990 in Erkelenz (NRW), founder Torsten Toeller has remained the company's owner. The company headquarters are in Krefeld (DE), with further offices in Venlo (NL) and the national subsidiaries. Today, more than 2,100 Fressnapf and Maxi Zoo stores and over 18,000 employees from over 50 nations belong to the Fressnapf group. The company is operating in 14 countries. In Germany, the majority of the stores are operated by independent franchise partners, while in other European countries they are operated as company-owned stores. The group generates annual sales of more than 4 billion euros. In addition, the Fressnapf Group sponsors various non-profit animal welfare projects and is constantly expanding its social commitment under the "Together for Pets" initiative. With the vision "Happier Pets. Happier People." the Fressnapf Group sees itself as a omnichannel and customer-centric retailer that creates an ecosystem around pets. The product range currently includes 16 brands in all price categories available exclusively at Fressnapf l Maxi Zoo. The company's mission is: "We connect products and services as well as pet lovers and their pets in a unique way, around the clock and everywhere, making the coexistence of humans and pets easier, better and happier!"


Sebastian Boms

Pressekontakt Corporate Communications Der Newsroom der Fressnapf-Gruppe

Simon Langenbach

Pressekontakt Product Communications 00 49 - (0)2151 - 51912923

Die Fressnapf-Gruppe ist die Nummer Eins für Heimtierbedarf in Europa

Über die Fressnapf-Gruppe:
Die Fressnapf-Gruppe ist europäischer Marktführer für Heimtierbedarf. Seit Eröffnung des ersten „Freßnapf-“Fachmarktes 1990 in Erkelenz (NRW) ist Gründer Torsten Toeller unverändert Unternehmensinhaber. Seit 2024 ist das internationale Private Equity Unternehmen Cinven minderheitsbeteiligt. Sitz der Unternehmenszentrale ist Krefeld, weitere Büros gibt es in Düsseldorf, Venlo (NL) sowie den zehn Landesgesellschaften. Heute gehören rund 2.100 Fressnapf- bzw. Maxi Zoo- Märkte in vierzehn Ländern sowie über 20.000 Beschäftigte aus über 50 Nationen zur Unternehmensgruppe. In Deutschland wird die überwiegende Anzahl der Märkte von selbstständigen Franchisepartnern betrieben, im europäischen Ausland als eigene Filialen. Mehr als 4 Milliarden Euro Jahresumsatz erzielt die Unternehmensgruppe jährlich. Darüber hinaus ist die Fressnapf-Gruppe Förderer verschiedener, gemeinnütziger Tierschutzprojekte und baut ihr soziales Engagement unter der Initiative „Tierisch engagiert“ stetig aus. Mit der Vision „Happier Pets. Happier People.“ versteht sich die Fressnapf-Gruppe kanalunabhängig als kundenzentriertes Handelsunternehmen, welches ein Ökosystem rund um das Haustier erschafft. Zum Sortiment gehören aktuell 16 exklusiv bei Fressnapf l Maxi Zoo erhältliche Marken aller Preiskategorien. Die Mission des Unternehmens lautet: "Wir verbinden auf einzigartige Weise, rund um die Uhr und überall Produkte, Services, Dienstleistungen sowie Tierliebhaber und ihre Tiere und machen so das Zusammenleben von Mensch und Tier einfacher, besser und glücklicher!"

Fressnapf Holding SE

Westpreußenstraße 32-38
47809 Krefeld

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