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International fabulix® Festival of Fairy Tales in Annaberg-Buchholz ©Dirk Rückschloss
International fabulix® Festival of Fairy Tales in Annaberg-Buchholz ©Dirk Rückschloss

Pressemitteilung -

2nd International fabulix® Festival of Fairy Tales in Annaberg-Buchholz

The festival of fairy tales, which is a unique event in Europe, was first held in 2017. Ore mountains capital Annaberg-Buchholz will once again turn into a fairy-tale film town from 28 August until 1 September 2019. About 20.000 visitors were thrilled by this event two years ago. The most attractive and latest national and international productions will be shown at the 2nd International fabulix® Festival of Fairy Tales under the heading “Fairy tales about silver and gold” in the “Erzgebirge Mining Region” UNESCO World Heritage area. An extremely varied programme with readings and workshops, exhibitions of props and costumes as well as a gala concert and a fairy-tale parade will enchant people of all ages at several adventure areas. Many stars, actors and actresses, film-makers and directors are expected to attend.

The Prince and Princess of Lippe, members of Europe’s aristocracy, are the patrons. The internationally well-known actress, Karin Ugowski, has been appointed as the honorary president of this year’s festival. The event’s director is the lyricist, musical producer and media manager, Filip Albrecht, from Prague. He has worked for stars like Karel Gott, Helena Vondráčková and Pavel Trávníček – and still does so.

This festival features something for every lover of fairy tales – 40 movies in all from 15 different countries, including the Czech Republic, Russia, Croatia, France and the USA – as well as 130 film screenings ranging from classics to new productions and even cartoons and animated movies. Visitors can look forward to seeing films like the Russian fairy tale “I am Dragon”, the French production “Ivan Tsarevitch and the changing princess” and the movie that won four Oscars and is entitled “The Shape of Water” (USA 2017). Three Czech fairy-tale films, produced in 2018, will celebrate their premiere at the festival: “The Secret of the Two-headed Dragon” (Kdyľ draka bolí hlava), “The Magic Quill” (Čertí brko) and “Devilry” (Čertoviny). Actors or directors of these movies have promised to attend – including Zdeněk Troska, Kateřina Broľová and Dominick Benedikt.

A glittering opening, a gala concert, an activity programme to join in

The glittering opening will take place on the red carpet at the market square in Annaberg when the honorary guests from the worlds of cinema and television, politics and culture arrive at 5.15 p.m. on 28 August. The open-air premiere of the film “Snow White and the magic of the dwarves” (DE, 2019, “Schneewittchen und der Zauber der Zwerge”) will then take place. The fairy tale film was produced at Pernštejn Castle in the Czech Republic by Provobis Gesellschaft für Film und Fernsehen mbH.fabulix® not only provides an exclusive range of fairy-tale films, but also attracts visitors with its extremely varied supporting programme, adventure areas, readings, fairy-tale narration sessions and workshops. Professional, international troupes from Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Germany are an attraction with their live theatre of fairy tales too.

The well-known European film studios Barrandov and Babelsberg will present an exhibition of beautiful fairy-tale costumes and props in Annaberg-Buchholz. The festival will end with a colourful, fairy-tale parade and the announcement of the winning film on 1 September 2019. Nine international productions are competing to be selected as the audiences’ favourite.

International film symposium, well-known Partners 

German and international producers and directors will meet for a film symposium under the heading “Boundless variety in children’s and young people’s film productions” during the fabulix® festival. The main topics for this sector conference will be issues like new partnerships, distribution channels and funding for movies and new productions. The aim is also to draw attention to the Erzgebirge region with its magical motifs and its many possibilities as a film location.

There will also be close cooperation with the well-known Ota Hoffmann Children’s Film Festival in Ostrov/Czech Republic. Four Czech fairy-tale films will be shown in their original versions there on 1 September. In line with this, the exhibition entitled “Who was Ota Hoffmann?” will be on display in the Erzhammer Cultural Centre until the end of September.

Important German and international partners are supporting fabulix®, including the well-known film studios Barrandov and Babelsberg, the International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience “Schlingel”, the German Centre for Fairy Tale Culture “Märchenland” Berlin, the Erzgebirge/Central Saxony cultural region and the Free State of Saxony.

Ticket sales and information
Tickets for the fabulix® festival are available from the tourist information office in Annaberg-Buchholz located at Buchholzer Strasse 2, phone 0049 (0)3733 19433.
There is more information at: www.fabulix.de

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Maerchenfilmfestival

Instagram: www.instagram.com/fabulix_maerchenfilmfestival

fabulix® trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjMUgX7xcow

fabulix® app: available in the stores



Über den Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V.

Der Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. ist die Dachorganisation für die nationale und internationale Vermarktung der Reiseregion Erzgebirge. Ausgezeichnete Rad-& Wanderwege, Wintersportmöglichkeiten, über 800 Jahre Bergbautradition, weltbekannte Weihnachtsbräuche & Handwerkskunst sowie historische Dampfeisenbahnen: Wer in das Erzgebirge im Süden Sachsens aufbricht, lernt eine zweite Heimat kennen – die Erlebnisheimat. Modern und traditionell, mit Geschichte und Geschichten!


Pressekontakt | Claudia Brödner

Pressekontakt | Claudia Brödner

Pressekontakt +49 (0)3733 188 00-23


Der Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V. ist die Dachorganisation für die nationale und internationale Vermarktung der Reiseregion Erzgebirge. Die Region vermarktet sich als vom Bergbau geprägte Erlebnisheimat, sie bietet Besuchern mehr als 100 Freizeiteinrichtungen und Museen. Das Erzgebirge verfügt über Unterkünfte mit knapp über 30.000 Betten insgesamt, zwei Drittel davon im gewerblichen Bereich, ein Drittel in Häusern mit weniger als zehn Betten.

Tourismusverband Erzgebirge e.V.

Adam-Ries-Straße 16
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz