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In our free and interactive webinar for student advisors, we will introduce you to Deutsche Bildung student financing and the concept of income share agreements.
In our free and interactive webinar for student advisors, we will introduce you to Deutsche Bildung student financing and the concept of income share agreements.

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For student advisors: Webinar on Deutsche Bildung Student Financing

Gaining experience abroad is the dream of many German students as well as their future employers. However, such a stay abroad – whether a single semester or a complete study program - is usually associated with high financial costs. And state funding and parental support are – especially in time of inflation – often not sufficient.

Deutsche Bildung: Sustainable student financing for studies in Germany and abroad

The goal of Deutsche Bildung is to ensure that students can pursue their dream of studying regardless of their financial background. We have been funding university students from all disciplines since 2007. The offer explicitly applies to study courses and semesters abroad as well as to EU-students coming to study in Germany. The repayment of our student financing is based on an income share agreement.

Invitation to teach-in sessions

In our free and interactive webinar for student advisors, we will introduce you to Deutsche Bildung student financing and the concept of income share agreements. You will learn all about our reverse intergenerational contract, the application process, what makes our offer different from a loan and how our student financing can be combined with other financing options.

Join us on November 7, 2023., 10-11 a.m. Click here to register.

We look forward to seeing you!

You can also find information about our student financing and upcoming info sessions for university staff on our website:



Stefanie Cimen

Stefanie Cimen

Pressekontakt Leiterin PR & Kommunikation +49 (0)69 - 920 39 45 - 18

Die Deutsche Bildung Studienfinanzierung

Als Social Business bietet die Deutsche Bildung eine unternehmerische Lösung für Studienfinanzierung: Finanzierte Student:innen zahlen später nach dem Prinzip eines umgekehrten Generationenvertrags abhängig von ihrem Einkommen an den Studienfonds zurück und ermöglichen damit nachrückenden Student:innen die gleiche Chance zu studieren. Die begleitende Deutsche Bildung Academy unterstützt das erfolgreiche Studium und den Berufseinstieg.

Student:innen bewerben sich online für die Studienfinanzierung unter www.deutsche-bildung.de

Deutsche Bildung AG

Hedderichstr. 36
60594 Frankfurt am Main