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Webinar: Don't be shit in Presenting!

Webinar: Don't be shit in Presenting!

Termin 29. Juli 2019 19:00 – 20:00

Ort Virtueller Vortragsraum

Zum Thema: Who has not seen it before: hundreds of people in conferences, spending long days in meetingrooms, trying to listen to the guy in front of them. Sadly, most of them will be completely unable to tell what they have learned afterwards.

Presenters often times think about what they want to tell and hardly ever what the audience is ready to receive. But presenting is infotainment: If you want to inform people successfully, you have to entertain. So don't torture people: tell them great things!

Arron "Finux" Finnon is an internationally renown hacker who is speaking worldwide at large conferences with great success: the hacker world has never been as aware of historical events as since Arron shared his personal research; and everyone else never got as inspired to take care of their IT security than since they heard him speak about it.

Take the chance to listen to what his tricks are – and make sure you make a change with your presentations in the future. Your audience deserves to experience you at your best!


Referent: Arron Finnon - Internationally well known Hacker from Scotland

Wann: Montag, 29. Juli, 19:00 - 20:00 Uhr

Wo: Virtueller Vortragsraum

Technik: Für die Teilnahme benötigst du lediglich ein internetfähiges Gerät, Lautsprecher oder Kopfhörer sowie einen stabilen Internetzugang. Als Browser werden ausschließlich Mozilla Firefox und Google Chrome unterstützt.



Stefanie Cimen

Stefanie Cimen

Pressekontakt Leiterin PR & Kommunikation +49 (0)69 - 920 39 45 - 18

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