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Dachser renews IATA CEIV Pharma certification in Frankfurt
Dachser renews IATA CEIV Pharma certification in Frankfurt

Pressemitteilung -

Press release: Dachser renews IATA CEIV Pharma certification in Frankfurt

Frankfurt Airport branch demonstrably meets the highest service and quality standards in the transport of life science and healthcare products

Kempten/Frankfurt, November 4, 2021 – Dachser’s Frankfurt air and sea freight branch has once again received certification from IATA’s Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Logistics (CEIV Pharma), demonstrating its capabilities in logistics services for the life science and healthcare industry.

The transport of life science and health care products must meet exacting standards. Drugs and other pharmaceutical products are often temperature-sensitive, urgent shipments that must be handled in compliance with a complex regulatory environment. As an industry standard, CEIV Pharma certification covers the specific requirements of senders of pharmaceutical products with regard to safe, correct, and efficient air freight services. “This recertification confirms our expertise in the life science and healthcare sector,” says Timo Stroh, Head of Global Air Freight, who is also responsible for the Life Science and Healthcare Logistics Business Field Solution at Dachser. “It certifies the highest standards of service and quality, which we provide to our customers through consistent processes and a GDP-compliant network.”

The same standards apply for recertification as for initial certification. CEIV Pharma certification requires internal and external training, a review of procedures for handling temperature-controlled life science and healthcare shipments, and an extensive assessment of these complex processes by two independent auditors.

“We consider it absolutely essential to meet international standards in the worldwide transport of sensitive products,” Stroh explains. "This benefits our customers. Our location at Frankfurt Airport is immensely important for our global network. As an international air freight gateway with its own charter connections, its direct link to Dachser’s tightly knit overland transport network, and the established CEIV Pharma setup, the location is crucial for the further development of our industry solution for customers in the life science and healthcare sector,” Stroh says.

Dachser Air & Sea Logistics CEIV Pharma certified on three continents

In addition to the Air & Sea Logistics branch at Frankfurt Airport, the other Dachser locations with this IATA certification are Shanghai, China; Mumbai and Hyderabad, India; and Atlanta, US. The Life Science and Healthcare Logistics Quality Management System is implemented on a global level to ensure uniform processes in all countries.

CEIV Pharma provides the pharmaceutical industry with a globally standardized and recognized certification for the handling of pharmaceutical products that meets and exceeds international standards and guidelines. These include the Good Distribution Practices (GDP) as defined by the European Union and the World Health Organization, the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia, and the IATA regulations for temperature-controlled transport.

About Dachser:

Dachser, a family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Germany, provides transport logistics, warehousing, and customized services in two business fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics and Dachser Road Logistics. The latter consists of two business lines: Dachser European Logistics and Dachser Food Logistics. Comprehensive contract logistics services and industry-specific solutions round out the company’s range. A seamless shipping network—both in Europe and overseas—and fully integrated IT systems ensure intelligent logistics solutions worldwide.

Thanks to some 30,800 employees at 387 locations all over the globe, Dachser generated consolidated net revenue of approximately EUR 5.6 billion in 2020. The same year, the logistics provider handled a total of 78.6 million shipments weighing 39.8 million metric tons. Dachser is represented by its own country organizations in 42 countries on five continents. For more information about Dachser, please visit dachser.com

Dachser media relations contact:

Theresia Gläser
Consultant for Corporate Public Relations

Thomas-Dachser-Straße 2
87439 Kempten

Phone +49 831 5916 1421
Fax +49 831 5916 81421



Über Dachser:

Das Familienunternehmen Dachser mit Hauptsitz in Kempten, Deutschland, bietet Transportlogistik, Warehousing und kundenindividuelle Services innerhalb von zwei Business Fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics und Dachser Road Logistics. Letzteres teilt sich in die beiden Business Lines Dachser European Logistics und Dachser Food Logistics auf. Übergreifende Kontraktlogistik-Services sowie branchenspezifische Lösungen ergänzen das Angebot. Ein flächendeckendes europäisches sowie interkontinentales Transportnetzwerk und komplett integrierte Informationssysteme sorgen weltweit für intelligente Logistiklösungen.

Mit rund 30.800 Mitarbeitern an weltweit 387 Standorten erwirtschaftete Dachser im Jahr 2020 einen konsolidierten Netto-Umsatz von rund 5,6 Milliarden Euro. Der Logistikdienstleister bewegte insgesamt 78,6 Millionen Sendungen mit einem Gewicht von 39,8 Millionen Tonnen. Dachser ist mit eigenen Landesgesellschaften in 42 Ländern vertreten.

Weitere Informationen zu Dachser finden Sie unter www.dachser.de


Theresia Gläser

Theresia Gläser

Pressekontakt +49 831 5916-1421

Partner für Logistik in Deutschland und weltweit

Mit rund 34.000 Mitarbeitern an weltweit 382 Standorten erwirtschaftete Dachser im Jahr 2023 einen konsolidierten Umsatz von rund 7,1 Milliarden Euro. Der Logistikdienstleister bewegte insgesamt 77,4 Millionen Sendungen mit einem Gewicht von 40,0 Millionen Tonnen. Dachser ist mit eigenen Landesgesellschaften in 43 Ländern vertreten. Weitere Informationen zu Dachser finden Sie unter dachser.de.


Thomas-Dachser-Str. 2
87439 Kempten