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Admiraliteitskade 62 in Rotterdam; Image rights: Aroundtown SA
Admiraliteitskade 62 in Rotterdam; Image rights: Aroundtown SA

Pressemitteilung -

Long-term letting successes for Aroundtown in Rotterdam: Five new tenants make water-front office building De Admiraal almost fully occupied

Long-term letting successes for Aroundtown in Rotterdam

Five new tenants make water-front office building De Admiraal almost fully occupied

With five new tenants on total 3,500 sqm, Aroundtown’s experts achieve long-term letting successes for office building De Admiraal on Admiraliteitskade 62 in Rotterdam. The new tenants come from various sectors, ranging from IT to an international logistics company.

The representative multi-tenant office building on 12-stories spanning over 18 thousand sqm has been awarded with the BREEAM In Use sustainability certificate - one of the leading certificates for sustainable buildings. The building offers a variety of services for the tenants. The building is equipped with an underground parking garage for the building users. On the 9thfloor the building includes a large company restaurant with a rooftop terrace offering a spectacular view over the city. The 9th floor also includes meeting rooms for common use and can also partly be converted to a large presentation space including bar. There are also several food options within walking distance of the building as well as a supermarket.

The property is located on the Admiraliteitskade on a prominent spot at one of the city’s central harbours, between the characteristic Kralingen district and the inner city of Rotterdam. The building can be reached easily from the highway within a few minutes. The metro station is within walking distance as well as bus and streetcar stops for direct connections to Rotterdam Central Station.

About Aroundtown

Aroundtown is one of Europe's largest real estate companies, MDax listed and focused on income generating quality properties that have potential for value-add in central locations mainly in Germany and the Netherlands. The portfolio comprises mainly office, residential and hotel properties. Hundreds of experienced employees from all areas of the value chain ensure that Aroundtown effectively realizes long-term potential. Professional organization, flexibility, innovation and extensive tenant services make Aroundtown a reliable partner for growth and success. Aroundtown is a sustainability leader in the European market with strong visibility in ESG indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and more. Aroundtown is a member of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the German Property Federation (ZIA), the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the UN Global Compact Network Germany as well as a signatory of the United Nations Charter of Diversity. Aroundtown has received multiple EPRA BPR Gold Awards and EPRA sBPR Gold Awards for its transparent financial and sustainability reporting. Avisco (controlled by Yakir Gabay) holds 15% in Aroundtown (date: 29.07.2022) and Stumpf Capital GmbH 10% (date: 13.11.2023). Other shareholders include Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japan’s Government investment fund, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal and many other leading international investors. The main bond investors include ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole and many other major institutional investors.



Dutch language version

Langdurige verhuursuccessen voor Aroundtown in Rotterdam

Vijf nieuwe huurders maken kantoorgebouw De Admiraal aan het water bijna volledig bezet

Met vijf nieuwe huurders op in totaal 3.500 m² boeken de experts van Aroundtown langjarige verhuursuccessen voor kantoorgebouw De Admiraal aan de Admiraliteitskade 62 in Rotterdam. De nieuwe huurders komen uit verschillende sectoren, variërend van IT tot een internationaal logistiek bedrijf.

Het representatieve kantoorgebouw met 12 verdiepingen en een oppervlakte van meer dan 18 duizend m² is bekroond met het BREEAM In Use duurzaamheidscertificaat - een van de toonaangevende certificaten voor duurzame gebouwen. Het gebouw biedt een verscheidenheid aan diensten voor de huurders. Het gebouw is uitgerust met een ondergrondse parkeergarage voor de gebruikers van het gebouw. Op de9e verdieping van het gebouw bevindt zich een groot bedrijfsrestaurant met een dakterras dat een spectaculair uitzicht over de stad biedt. De9e verdieping bevat ook vergaderzalen voor gemeenschappelijk gebruik en kan ook gedeeltelijk worden omgebouwd tot een grote presentatieruimte inclusief bar. Er zijn ook verschillende eetgelegenheden op loopafstand van het gebouw, evenals een supermarkt.

Het pand is gelegen aan de Admiraliteitskade op een prominente plek aan een van de centrale havens van de stad, tussen de karakteristieke wijk Kralingen en de binnenstad van Rotterdam. Vanaf de snelweg is het gebouw binnen een paar minuten te bereiken. Het metrostation ligt op loopafstand, evenals bus- en tramhaltes voor directe verbindingen naar Rotterdam Centraal Station.

Over Aroundtown

Aroundtown is een van Europa's grootste vastgoedondernemingen, beursgenoteerd aan MDax en gericht op inkomstengenererend kwaliteitsvastgoed met potentieel voor waardetoevoeging op centrale locaties in voornamelijk Duitsland en Nederland. De portefeuille bestaat voornamelijk uit kantoren, woningen en hotels. Honderden ervaren medewerkers uit alle onderdelen van de waardeketen zorgen ervoor dat Aroundtown het potentieel op lange termijn effectief realiseert. Professionele organisatie, flexibiliteit, innovatie en uitgebreide diensten voor huurders maken van Aroundtown een betrouwbare partner voor groei en succes. Aroundtown is een duurzaamheidsleider op de Europese markt met een sterke zichtbaarheid in ESG-indices zoals de Dow Jones Sustainability Index en de Bloomberg Gender Equality Index. Aroundtown is lid van de European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), de Duitse vastgoedfederatie (ZIA), de Duitse raad voor duurzaam bouwen (DGNB), het UN Global Compact Network Duitsland en ondertekenaar van het Handvest voor diversiteit van de Verenigde Naties. Aroundtown heeft meerdere EPRA BPR Gold Awards en EPRA sBPR Gold Awards ontvangen voor zijn transparante financiële en duurzaamheidsrapportering. Avisco (gecontroleerd door Yakir Gabay) bezit 15% in Aroundtown (datum: 29.07.2022) en Stumpf Capital GmbH 10% (datum: 13.11.2023). Andere aandeelhouders zijn Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, het investeringsfonds van de Japanse overheid, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal en vele andere toonaangevende internationale investeerders. De belangrijkste obligatiebeleggers zijn ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole en vele andere grote institutionele beleggers.





Über Aroundtown

Aroundtown ist eines von Europas größten Immobilienunternehmen, gelistet im M-Dax und fokussiert auf ertragsstarke Qualitätsimmobilien mit Wertsteigerungspotenzial in zentralen und attraktiven Lagen hauptsächlich in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Das Portfolio umfasst vor allem Büro-, Wohn- und Hotelimmobilien. Hunderte erfahrene Mitarbeiter:innen aus allen Fachbereichen der Wertschöpfungskette sorgen dafür, dass Aroundtown langfristige Potenziale effektiv realisiert. Professionelle Organisation, Flexibilität, Innovation und ein umfangreicher Mieterservice machen Aroundtown zu einem verlässlichen Partner für Wachstum und Erfolg. Aroundtown ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit auf dem europäischen Markt mit einer starken Präsenz in ESG-Indizes wie dem Dow Jones Sustainability Index, dem Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index und weiteren. Aroundtown ist Mitglied der European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), des Zentralen Immobilien Ausschusses (ZIA), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB), des UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland sowie Unterzeichner der Charta der Vielfalt der Vereinten Nationen. Aroundtown hat mehrere EPRA BPR Gold Awards und EPRA sBPR Gold Awards für seine transparente Finanz- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung erhalten. Avisco (kontrolliert von Yakir Gabay) hält 15 % an Aroundtown (Stand: 29.7.2022) und Stumpf Capital GmbH 10 % (Stand: 13.11.2023). Weitere Anteilseigner sind Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japans staatlicher Investmentfonds, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal und viele andere führende internationale Investoren. Zu den wichtigsten Anleiheinvestoren gehören die EZB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole und viele andere große institutionelle Anleger.



About Aroundtown

Aroundtown is one of Europe's largest real estate companies, M-Dax listed and focused on income generating quality properties that have potential for value-add in central locations mainly in Germany and the Netherlands. The portfolio comprises mainly office, residential and hotel properties. Hundreds of experienced employees from all areas of the value chain ensure that Aroundtown effectively realizes long-term potential. Professional organization, flexibility, innovation and extensive tenant services make Aroundtown reliable partner for growth and success. Aroundtown is a sustainability leader in the European market with strong visibility in ESG indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and more. Aroundtown is a member of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the German Property Federation (ZIA), the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the UN Global Compact Network Germany as well as a signatory of the United Nations Charter of Diversity. Aroundtown has received multiple EPRA BPR Gold Awards and EPRA sBPR Gold Awards for its transparent financial and sustainability reporting. Avisco (controlled by Yakir Gabay) holds 15% in Aroundtown (date: 29.07.2022) and Stumpf Capital GmbH 10% (date: 13.11.2023). Other shareholders include Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japan’s Government investment fund, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal and many other leading international investors. The main bond investors include ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole and many other major institutional investors.



Frederic Hilke

Frederic Hilke

Pressekontakt Media Contact +49 (0) 221 9140-9719

Zugehörige Meldungen

Daltonlaan 200, Utrecht; Image rights: Aroundtown

Aroundtown achieves full letting in Utrecht office: Long-term new letting of 5,000 sqm strengthens business environment in Dalton Office Park

With the signing of a long-term lease of 5,140 sqm with the co-working concept De Stadstuin in Dalton Office Park, the entire Daltonlaan 200 office building in Utrecht is now fully let. De Stadstuin will open its 6th location in Utrecht and will provide office space, meeting rooms, an inspiring entrance and events for more than 150 start-ups, scale-ups, creative entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Cuserstraat 93 in Amsterdam; Image rights: Aroundtown SA

Successful letting of approx. 2,000 sqm for Aroundtown at prime location in Amsterdam: Long-term full occupancy secured in office building Cuserstraat 93 in Amsterdam

Aroundtown has successfully secured long-term full occupancy for its premises at Cuserstraat 93 in Amsterdam. Regus has extended its lease for approximately 1,500 sqm and the new tenant Rechtstaete will move into approximately 500 sqm of office space on the first floor. This means that the office building is fully let for the long term.

Eines von Europas größten Immobilienunternehmen

Aroundtown ist eines von Europas größten Immobilienunternehmen, gelistet im MDax und fokussiert auf ertragsstarke Qualitätsimmobilien mit Wertsteigerungspotenzial in zentralen und attraktiven Lagen hauptsächlich in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Das Portfolio umfasst vor allem Büro-, Wohn- und Hotelimmobilien. Hunderte erfahrene Mitarbeiter:innen aus allen Fachbereichen der Wertschöpfungskette sorgen dafür, dass Aroundtown langfristige Potenziale effektiv realisiert. Professionelle Organisation, Flexibilität, Innovation und ein umfangreicher Mieterservice machen Aroundtown zu einem verlässlichen Partner für Wachstum und Erfolg. Aroundtown ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit auf dem europäischen Markt mit einer starken Präsenz in ESG-Indizes wie dem Dow Jones Sustainability Index, dem Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index und weiteren. Aroundtown ist Mitglied der European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), des Zentralen Immobilien Ausschusses (ZIA), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB), des UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland sowie Unterzeichner der Charta der Vielfalt der Vereinten Nationen. Aroundtown hat mehrere EPRA BPR Gold Awards und EPRA sBPR Gold Awards für seine transparente Finanz- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung erhalten. Avisco (kontrolliert von Yakir Gabay) hält 15 % an Aroundtown (Stand: 29.7.2022) und Stumpf Capital GmbH 10 % (Stand: 13.11.2023). Weitere Anteilseigner sind Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japans staatlicher Investmentfonds, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal und viele andere führende internationale Investoren. Zu den wichtigsten Anleiheinvestoren gehören die EZB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole und viele andere große institutionelle Anleger.

One of Europe's largest real estate companies

Aroundtown is one of Europe's largest real estate companies, MDax listed and focused on income generating quality properties that have potential for value-add in central locations mainly in Germany and the Netherlands. The portfolio comprises mainly office, residential and hotel properties. Hundreds of experienced employees from all areas of the value chain ensure that Aroundtown effectively realizes long-term potential. Professional organization, flexibility, innovation and extensive tenant services make Aroundtown a reliable partner for growth and success. Aroundtown is a sustainability leader in the European market with strong visibility in ESG indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and more. Aroundtown is a member of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the German Property Federation (ZIA), the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the UN Global Compact Network Germany as well as a signatory of the United Nations Charter of Diversity. Aroundtown has received multiple EPRA BPR Gold Awards and EPRA sBPR Gold Awards for its transparent financial and sustainability reporting. Avisco (controlled by Yakir Gabay) holds 15% in Aroundtown (date: 29.07.2022) and Stumpf Capital GmbH 10% (date: 13.11.2023). Other shareholders include Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japan’s Government investment fund, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal and many other leading international investors. The main bond investors include ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole and many other major institutional investors.

Aroundtown SA

37, Boulevard Joseph II
1840 Luxemburg