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Mourning box with 8 tools for young people in grief (Image rights: EvE Foundation)
Mourning box with 8 tools for young people in grief (Image rights: EvE Foundation)

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Aroundtown Foundation financially supports EvE Foundation

Aroundtown Foundation financially supports EvE Foundation

The Aroundtown Foundation supports the EvE Foundation in Amsterdam with a financial donation. EvE aims to help children and young people who have lost one or both parents to cope with their grief and develop their talents.

The EvE Foundation specifically engages with young people between the ages of 14 and 24, supporting those who need support in their loneliness and in dealing with grief.

EvE offers a program of six sessions in which a maximum of twelve young people come together to cook, eat, learn and above all talk. Talk about what they have been through, what's on their mind, what choices they have to make in the future. Every meeting is a combination of sharing stories, knowledge, and fun. And also welcoming a guest with a special story or insight.

Beside EvE Foundation offers concrete help in choosing a course of study, in finding internships and first jobs, or more generally answers to questions about grief and practical matters in coping with grief.

With the donation, the Aroundtown Foundation contributes to society and specifically to children and young people.

About the Aroundtown Foundation

The Aroundtown Foundation was established in 2018. The foundation assumes social responsibility and provides targeted and pragmatic support for projects and institutions in the neighborhood surrounding the portfolio. The Aroundtown Foundation's support is targeted and strengthens local communities. The focus is particularly on projects for children and young people, art and culture, sports activities and charitable causes, as well as educational and elderly care institutions.

About Aroundtown

Aroundtown is one of Europe's largest real estate companies and focused on income generating quality properties that have potential for value-add in central locations mainly in Germany and the Netherlands. The portfolio comprises mainly office, residential and hotel properties. Hundreds of experienced employees from all areas of the value chain ensure that Aroundtown effectively realizes long-term potential. Professional organization, flexibility, innovation and extensive tenant services make Aroundtown a reliable partner for growth and success. Aroundtown is a sustainability leader in the European market with strong visibility in ESG indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and more. Aroundtown is a member of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the German Property Federation (ZIA), the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the UN Global Compact Network Germany as well as a signatory of the United Nations Charter of Diversity. Aroundtown has received multiple EPRA BPR Gold Awards and EPRA sBPR Gold Awards for its transparent financial and sustainability reporting. Avisco (controlled by Yakir Gabay) holds 15% in Aroundtown (date: 29.07.2022). Other shareholders include Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japan’s Government investment fund, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal and many other leading international investors. The main bond investors include ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole and many other major institutional investors.



Dutch language version

Aroundtown Foundation steunt Stichting EvE financieel

Stichting Aroundtown steunt Stichting EvE in Amsterdam met een financiële donatie. EvE wil kinderen en jongeren die een of beide ouders hebben verloren helpen bij het verwerken van hun verdriet en het ontwikkelen van hun talenten.

Stichting EvE richt zich specifiek op jongeren tussen de 14 en 24 jaar en ondersteunt hen die steun nodig hebben bij hun eenzaamheid en bij het verwerken van verdriet.

EvE biedt een programma van zes sessies waarin maximaal twaalf jongeren samenkomen om te koken, te eten, te leren en vooral te praten. Praten over wat ze hebben meegemaakt, wat hen bezighoudt, welke keuzes ze in de toekomst moeten maken. Elke bijeenkomst is een combinatie van het delen van verhalen, kennis en plezier. En ook het verwelkomen van een gast met een bijzonder verhaal of inzicht.

Stichting Naast EvE biedt concrete hulp bij het kiezen van een studie, bij het vinden van stages en eerste banen, of meer in het algemeen antwoorden op vragen over rouw en praktische zaken bij het verwerken van rouw.

Met de donatie draagt Stichting Aroundtown bij aan de samenleving en specifiek aan kinderen en jongeren.

Over de Aroundtown Foundation

Aroundtown Foundation is opgericht in 2018. De stichting neemt haar maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid en ondersteunt gericht en pragmatisch projecten en instellingen in de wijk rondom de portefeuille. De steun van de Aroundtown Foundation is doelgericht en versterkt de lokale gemeenschap. De focus ligt met name op projecten voor kinderen en jongeren, kunst en cultuur, sportvoorzieningen en goede doelen, maar ook op onderwijsinstellingen en ouderen- en ziekenzorg.

Over Aroundtown

Aroundtown is een van Europa's grootste vastgoedondernemingen en richt zich op inkomstengenererend kwaliteitsvastgoed met potentieel voor waardetoevoeging op centrale locaties in voornamelijk Duitsland en Nederland. De portefeuille bestaat voornamelijk uit kantoren, woningen en hotels. Honderden ervaren medewerkers uit alle onderdelen van de waardeketen zorgen ervoor dat Aroundtown het potentieel op lange termijn effectief realiseert. Professionele organisatie, flexibiliteit, innovatie en uitgebreide diensten voor huurders maken van Aroundtown een betrouwbare partner voor groei en succes. Aroundtown is een duurzaamheidsleider op de Europese markt met een sterke zichtbaarheid in ESG-indices zoals de Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index en meer. Aroundtown is lid van de European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), de Duitse vastgoedfederatie (ZIA), de Duitse raad voor duurzaam bouwen (DGNB), het UN Global Compact Network Duitsland en ondertekenaar van het Handvest van de Verenigde Naties inzake diversiteit. Aroundtown heeft meerdere EPRA BPR Gold Awards en EPRA sBPR Gold Awards ontvangen voor zijn transparante financiële en duurzaamheidsrapportering. Avisco (gecontroleerd door Yakir Gabay) bezit 15% in Aroundtown (datum: 29.07.2022). Andere aandeelhouders zijn onder meer Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, het investeringsfonds van de Japanse overheid, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal en vele andere vooraanstaande internationale beleggers. Tot de belangrijkste obligatiebeleggers behoren ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole en vele andere grote institutionele beleggers. www.aroundtown.de




Über Aroundtown

Aroundtown ist eines von Europas größten Immobilienunternehmen und fokussiert auf ertragsstarke Qualitätsimmobilien mit Wertsteigerungspotenzial in zentralen und attraktiven Lagen hauptsächlich in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Das Portfolio umfasst vor allem Büro-, Wohn- und Hotelimmobilien. Hunderte erfahrene Mitarbeiter:innen aus allen Fachbereichen der Wertschöpfungskette sorgen dafür, dass Aroundtown langfristige Potenziale effektiv realisiert. Professionelle Organisation, Flexibilität, Innovation und ein umfangreicher Mieterservice machen Aroundtown zu einem verlässlichen Partner für Wachstum und Erfolg. Aroundtown ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit auf dem europäischen Markt mit einer starken Präsenz in ESG-Indizes wie dem Dow Jones Sustainability Index, dem Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index und weiteren. Aroundtown ist Mitglied der European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), des Zentralen Immobilien Ausschusses (ZIA), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB), des UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland sowie Unterzeichner der Charta der Vielfalt der Vereinten Nationen. Aroundtown hat mehrere EPRA BPR Gold Awards und EPRA sBPR Gold Awards für seine transparente Finanz- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung erhalten. Avisco (kontrolliert von Yakir Gabay) hält 15 % an Aroundtown (Stand: 29.7.2022). Weitere Anteilseigner sind Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japans staatlicher Investmentfonds, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal und viele andere führende internationale Investoren. Zu den wichtigsten Anleiheinvestoren gehören die EZB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole und viele andere große institutionelle Anleger.



About Aroundtown

Aroundtown is one of Europe's largest real estate companies and focused on income generating quality properties that have potential for value-add in central locations mainly in Germany and the Netherlands. The portfolio comprises mainly office, residential and hotel properties. Hundreds of experienced employees from all areas of the value chain ensure that Aroundtown effectively realizes long-term potential. Professional organization, flexibility, innovation and extensive tenant services make Aroundtown a reliable partner for growth and success. Aroundtown is a sustainability leader in the European market with strong visibility in ESG indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and more. Aroundtown is a member of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the German Property Federation (ZIA), the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the UN Global Compact Network Germany as well as a signatory of the United Nations Charter of Diversity. Aroundtown has received multiple EPRA BPR Gold Awards and EPRA sBPR Gold Awards for its transparent financial and sustainability reporting. Avisco (controlled by Yakir Gabay) holds 15% in Aroundtown (date: 29.07.2022). Other shareholders include Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japan’s Government investment fund, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal and many other leading international investors. The main bond investors include ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole and many other major institutional investors.



Frederic Hilke

Frederic Hilke

Pressekontakt Media Contact +49 (0) 221 9140-9719

Zugehörige Meldungen

Aroundtown Foundation provides financial support to the JINC organization in the Netherlands; Image rights: JINC

For more equal opportunities in professional development: Aroundtown Foundation provides financial support to the JINC organization in the Netherlands

For more equal opportunities in professional development
Aroundtown Foundation provides financial support to the JINC organization in the Netherlands
The Aroundtown Foundation is providing financial support to the JINC organization for the implementation of the pilot project "Job application training for MBO (secondary vocational education) students". JINC is striving for more equal opportun

Aroundtown awarded for highest transparency standards in reporting with EPRA BPR Gold for the 7th consecutive time and EPRA sBPR Gold for the 6th consecutive time

Aroundtown awarded for highest transparency standards in reporting with EPRA BPR Gold for the 7th consecutive time and EPRA sBPR Gold for the 6th consecutive time

Aroundtown achieves the EPRA BPR Gold award for the 7th and the EPRA sBPR Gold award for the 6th time in a row. This again demonstrates Aroundtown's strong commitment to the highest level of transparency in financial and ESG reporting. The EPRA Gold award is the highest level of reporting standards in the real estate sector.

Image rights: Aroundtown – Insect hotel in diverse habitat

Projects for more biodiversity: Aroundtown strengthens biodiversity in its portfolio

As part of its sustainability strategy, Aroundtown also strengthens biodiversity in and around its properties, making a valuable contribution to sustainability. In Germany, Aroundtown has been planting suitable outdoor areas with bee- and insect-friendly flowers and plants to create ideal conditions for the animals and preserve their habitats. In addition, Aroundtown provides roofs of commercial

Eines von Europas größten Immobilienunternehmen

Aroundtown ist eines von Europas größten Immobilienunternehmen, gelistet im MDax und fokussiert auf ertragsstarke Qualitätsimmobilien mit Wertsteigerungspotenzial in zentralen und attraktiven Lagen hauptsächlich in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Das Portfolio umfasst vor allem Büro-, Wohn- und Hotelimmobilien. Hunderte erfahrene Mitarbeiter:innen aus allen Fachbereichen der Wertschöpfungskette sorgen dafür, dass Aroundtown langfristige Potenziale effektiv realisiert. Professionelle Organisation, Flexibilität, Innovation und ein umfangreicher Mieterservice machen Aroundtown zu einem verlässlichen Partner für Wachstum und Erfolg. Aroundtown ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit auf dem europäischen Markt mit einer starken Präsenz in ESG-Indizes wie dem Dow Jones Sustainability Index, dem Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index und weiteren. Aroundtown ist Mitglied der European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), des Zentralen Immobilien Ausschusses (ZIA), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB), des UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland sowie Unterzeichner der Charta der Vielfalt der Vereinten Nationen. Aroundtown hat mehrere EPRA BPR Gold Awards und EPRA sBPR Gold Awards für seine transparente Finanz- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung erhalten. Avisco (kontrolliert von Yakir Gabay) hält 15 % an Aroundtown (Stand: 29.7.2022) und Stumpf Capital GmbH 10 % (Stand: 13.11.2023). Weitere Anteilseigner sind Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japans staatlicher Investmentfonds, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal und viele andere führende internationale Investoren. Zu den wichtigsten Anleiheinvestoren gehören die EZB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole und viele andere große institutionelle Anleger.

One of Europe's largest real estate companies

Aroundtown is one of Europe's largest real estate companies, MDax listed and focused on income generating quality properties that have potential for value-add in central locations mainly in Germany and the Netherlands. The portfolio comprises mainly office, residential and hotel properties. Hundreds of experienced employees from all areas of the value chain ensure that Aroundtown effectively realizes long-term potential. Professional organization, flexibility, innovation and extensive tenant services make Aroundtown a reliable partner for growth and success. Aroundtown is a sustainability leader in the European market with strong visibility in ESG indices such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and more. Aroundtown is a member of the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the German Property Federation (ZIA), the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the UN Global Compact Network Germany as well as a signatory of the United Nations Charter of Diversity. Aroundtown has received multiple EPRA BPR Gold Awards and EPRA sBPR Gold Awards for its transparent financial and sustainability reporting. Avisco (controlled by Yakir Gabay) holds 15% in Aroundtown (date: 29.07.2022) and Stumpf Capital GmbH 10% (date: 13.11.2023). Other shareholders include Blackrock, Norges, Vanguard, Allianz, BNP Paribas, Japan’s Government investment fund, Alliance-Bernstein, Dekabank, State-Street, Bank of Montreal and many other leading international investors. The main bond investors include ECB, GIC, Union Investment, DB, UBS, CS, M&G, Pictet, Credit Agricole and many other major institutional investors.

Aroundtown SA

37, Boulevard Joseph II
1840 Luxemburg