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Allplan was the first CAD solution to be certified as part of the BIMSWARM research project. Copyright: BIMSWARM
Allplan was the first CAD solution to be certified as part of the BIMSWARM research project. Copyright: BIMSWARM

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ALLPLAN receives Certificate from German Research Project BIMSWARM

First award given for OPEN BIM compliant CAD solution

Munich, April 8, 2021 - Allplan is the first CAD solution to be certified as part of the BIMSWARM research project. The project pursues the goal of advancing the digitalisation of the construction industry and developing standards and solutions for this purpose. The core of the project is an open platform of applications, services and content for BIM-based design, execution and operation of buildings. The focus is on the certification and evaluation of software solutions based on vendor-neutral BIM interfaces.

"Allplan has successfully completed the OPEN BIM certification for CAD products. BIMSWARM thus confirms that all requirements for an OPEN BIM compliant CAD system are fully met," says Thomas Müller, Product Manager Interoperability at ALLPLAN.

Marketplace and software platform in one

OPEN BIM is increasingly becoming the preferred tool of choice when it comes to uniform data standards for all parties involved in a construction project. Misinterpretation of native data can quickly lead to costly construction defects. Consequently, companies are encouraged to use software solutions that support the exchange of data on the basis of open standards. This is precisely the goal of the BIMSWARM research project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy under the leadership of planen bauen 4.0.

"The certification is further confirmation of the success of our strategy to develop solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into any OPEN BIM workflow," says Stefan Kaufmann, Product Manager BIM Strategy and New Technologies at ALLPLAN. "Through integration across system and manufacturer boundaries and our commitment to OPEN BIM, we are contributing to future-proof digitalisation in the construction industry," Stefan Kaufmann continues.

On the one hand, BIMSWARM serves as an information portal and marketplace for BIM solutions. On the other hand, it forms a platform that enables the interaction of software solutions for construction-related sub-processes. Companies can find BIM-certified software solutions for their respective areas on BIMSWARM - including Allplan as the first certified CAD product. With its expertise in digital processes in construction projects, ALLPLAN supports BIMSWARM as an associated partner.

For further information on BIMSWARM (German only), look here



ALLPLAN is a global provider of BIM design software for the AEC industry. True to our “Design to Build” tagline, we cover the entire process from the first concept to final detailed design for the construction site and for prefabrication. Allplan users create deliverables of the highest quality and level of detail thanks to lean workflows. ALLPLAN offers powerful integrated cloud technology to support interdisciplinary collaboration on building and civil engineering projects. Around the world over 500 dedicated employees continue to write the ALLPLAN success story. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, ALLPLAN is part of the Nemetschek Group which is a pioneer for digital transformation in the construction sector.

For more details: www.allplan.com


ALLPLAN ist ein globaler Anbieter von Building Information Modeling (BIM) Lösungen für die AEC-Industrie.

ALLPLAN ist ein globaler Anbieter von Building Information Modeling (BIM) Lösungen für die AEC-Industrie. Seit mehr als 50 Jahren treibt ALLPLAN die Digitalisierung der Baubranche maßgeblich voran. An den Anforderungen der Anwender orientiert, bieten wir innovative Werkzeuge für das Planen und Bauen von Bauwerken und inspirieren unsere Kunden, ihre Visionen zu verwirklichen. Über 400 Mitarbeiter weltweit schreiben die Erfolgsgeschichte des Unternehmens mit Leidenschaft fort.

Allplan GmbH

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 München