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Kategorien: gaf ag

Kick-off Meeting of EU Consortium of the new Horizon Europe project EvoLand (Evolution of the Copernicus Land Service portfolio)  picture: GAF

New Horizon Europe project ‘EvoLand’ sets off to develop new prototype services for the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service

consortium under the lead of VITO officially launched the new Horizon Europe project EvoLand (Evolution of the Copernicus Land Service portfolio) in Leuven (Belgium) on the 17th and 18th of January 2023. EvoLand will develop and test new and innovative methods and algorithms and implement a bundle of candidate Copernicus Land Monitoring Service prototypes. GAF is a project partner.

Detail example of ASM alerts for the Quarter IV in 2021 – lilac dots on the BING map background indicate new activity along river courses. The closer the dots are to the river, the higher the probability is that the forest disturbance relates to ASM.

Satellite data help to detect artisanal mining - GAF AG develops the “ASM Alert” web platform

GAF has developed and implemented an easy-to-use web-based system to recognise indications of unlicenced artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in tropical forests - the “ASM Alert” platform. The platform combines free and publicly available satellite data – in particular European Copernicus Sentinel imagery - with a number of other geodata layers and machine-learning for the analysis.

Infrastructure of GAF AG European CAP Monitoring   image: GAF AG


GAF AG has won the first European call for tenders for the operational implementation of the agricultural area monitoring system in Germany in 2021 stipulated by the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The Paying Agency makes use of GAF’s sophisticated cloud-based solutions for the automatic monitoring of agricultural parcels.

Output of automatic monitoring of agricultural parcels regarding their declared crop type (Green: Compliant parcels, Red: Non-complaint parcels, Yellow: Parcels requiring further processing) (© GAF AG, includes Copernicus Sentinel-2 data acquired on

GAF AG has successfully completed a pilot project for the monitoring of agricultural parcels for the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (StMELF), as part of CAP2020

​GAF AG has developed and validated an automatic monitoring approach for agricultural parcels using satellite data. This aims to ease the burden of on-the-spot-checks for agricultural administrations. Twelve different monitoring scenarios were automatically evaluated, using high resolution open access earth observation data collected by the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite constellation.

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