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Euro-Maps 3D 5m DSM of an area in Algeria; © 2018 GAF AG; contains material distributed by Antrix
Euro-Maps 3D 5m DSM of an area in Algeria; © 2018 GAF AG; contains material distributed by Antrix

Pressemitteilung -

​Telespazio Group, with GAF and e-GEOS as the implementing companies, awarded Framework Contract for the Validation of Innovative Geospatial Tools: LOT 1 - S

GAF AG, together with e-GEOS, has been awarded a Framework Contract by the European Union Satellite Centre for the provision of satellite-based digital elevation models to support the validation of innovative geospatial tools for SatCen’s exploitation activities. These digital elevation models have a resolution of between 0.5 m and 10 m and are generated using a highly automated multi-source production line. Additionally, the products are delivered with different quality- and traceability layers, and the corresponding metadata are adapted to the user’s requirements.

For nearly 20 years, GAF has been providing different institutional and private customers worldwide with various types of high quality digital surface models (DSMs), digital terrain models (DTMs) and other elevation products, mainly derived from optical (multi-) stereo satellite data. During the last 10 years, GAF has generated a multitude of very-high and high resolution digital elevation models (GAF Elevation Suite) for a total area of more than 7.7 million km² worldwide.

e-GEOS has longstanding experience with SAR satellite data processing, including the production of digital surface models (DSMs) from SAR images using both, interferometric and radargrammetric techniques.

The Framework Contract will run until the end of 2018, with the potential to be extended for another year.




About GAF AG

GAF AG is an e-GEOS (Telespazio/ASI) company based in Munich, Germany. It is a leading solutions provider with an international reputation as a skilled and reliable supplier of data, products and services in the fields of geo-information, satellite remote sensing, spatial IT and consulting for private and public clients. During the last three years, GAF has generated more than half of its revenues from defence and security customers. GAF also provides solutions in the sectors of agriculture and food production, environmental and water resources management, forestry and climate change, infrastructure and mobility, land management, insurance and asset management, mining, oil and gas, telecommunications and network planning, and space agencies and satellite operators. Since 1985, GAF AG has successfully completed more than 1,000 projects in 144 countries. Further information is available at http://www.gaf.de.

About e-GEOS

e-GEOS, an ASI (20%)/Telespazio (80%) company, is a leading international player in the Earth Observation and Geo-Spatial Information business. e-GEOS offers a unique portfolio of application services, also thanks to the superior monitoring capabilities of the COSMO-SkyMed constellation, and has acquired a leading position within the European Copernicus Program. Application services include: monitoring for environmental protection, rush mapping in support to natural disaster management, specialized products for defence and intelligence, oil spill and ship detection for maritime surveillance, interferometric measurements for landslides and ground subsidence analysis, thematic mapping for agriculture and forestry. In support to its operational applications, e-GEOS operates the Matera Space Centre for acquisition, archiving and processing of multi-mission satellite data including COSMO-SkyMed and ESA Sentinels. Further information is available at www.e-geos.it.


Birgit Aigner

Birgit Aigner

Pressekontakt Technologie- und B2B-Marketing 089 543 44 065

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