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GAF’s mining cadastre system and the provision of its associated source code ensures sustainability beyond the implementation project’s lifetime and provides well-defined total cost of ownership.

eMC+ is GAF’s framework for providing mining cadastre authorities worldwide with a complete package of products and services. Using the eMC+ framework as a basis, GAF can create tailor-made and maintenance-friendly solutions for each individual client - being web-based it works in an intranet setting as well as over the Internet. eMC+ increases institutional capacity and efficiency by providing a comprehensive mineral tenure management solution.

Professional solution without vendor lock-in

The various benefits provided by GAF’s leading and unique eMC+ mining cadastre framework form the basis of the company’s successful provision of mining governance services. It is scalable from single to an unlimited number of users and is fully customisable (for example, with respect to the applicable regulatory framework and required languages). As it is entirely web-based, eMC+ supports a central solution as well as decentralised regional offices. The application’s source code can also be made available to the client, thereby ensuring that the solution can be used sustainably beyond the lifetime of the implementation project. The system is based on FOSS (free and open-source software), which ensures that no additional costs are incurred for 3rd party licenses and maintenance. Thus the total cost of ownership is fully transparent and there is no vendor lock-in. eMC+ based solutions can be implemented as part of a complete package that includes institutional strengthening, capacity building, business reengineering, training and know-how transfer, software and system development and implementation, maintenance, and automated data entry.

Comprehensive experience and competence

GAF has more than 20 years of experience in the institutional and technical establishment and reorganisation of mining cadastre authorities, and is a leading provider of top class consultancy services and cutting-edge software solutions in this field. The company’s comprehensive experience and skills in the provision of cadastres and registries in the areas of mining, land management and agriculture are underlined by the fact that it has implemented more than 2000 licences to ministries, governance boards, individual businesses and organisations in the public and private sectors. GAF’s software unit consists of more than 40 software programmers, developers and testers.

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Picture: GAF AG




About GAF AG

GAF AG is a leading solutions-provider with an international reputation as a skilled provider of data, products and services in the fields of geo-information, spatial IT and consulting for private and public clients. Over the past 28 years, the company has been active in more than 500 projects in over 100 countries throughout Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia. The company is part of the Telespazio Group, which belongs to Finmeccanica and Thales, two European technology leaders. GAF is currently performing mining governance and consulting projects in a number of countries, including Mongolia, Nigeria, Laos, Cameroon, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. The company recently successfully completed a project focusing on the implementation of a mining cadastre and the provision of associated consulting services for MRAM, the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia.

To obtain more information, please contact:

GAF AG - Ms Daniela Miller

Arnulfstr.199, 80634 Munich

Tel. +49 (0) 89 12 15 28 0

info@gaf.de | www3.gaf.de/emcplus/


Birgit Aigner

Birgit Aigner

Pressekontakt Technologie- und B2B-Marketing 089 543 44 065

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