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 GAFMeeting of project partners for a technical workshop  © 2018  GAF AGAll rights reserved
GAFMeeting of project partners for a technical workshop © 2018 GAF AGAll rights reserved

Pressemitteilung -


In January 2018, GAF successfully established a Geological Data Management and Information system (GDMIS) for the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy & Mining in Malawi.

A modern and reliable management of geological and mining data is an essential asset to better understand existing natural resources, recognize mineral potentials, and attract investments of the extractive industry. The GDMIS project, funded by the World Bank Group, established such a management and geographic information system for the Geological Survey Department (GSD) of Malawi. The system is based on web-technology, allowing the administration and evaluation of non-public data (Intranet) and the promotion of public data (Internet) to attract potential investors of the extractive industry. The new website will be published soon – after pending clearance of some data copyright issues.

Currently, the GSD holds approximately one Terabyte of digital geo-data and digitized documents. Additional data will be available in the near future from ongoing field works. The new system is the main tool to publish, archive, manage, evaluate, and cross-relate the various information layers. In particular, the geographic information system (GIS) component of the system allows the combined analysis of spatial and attributive data. This is of major importance for the identification of prospects for mineral deposits.

GAF, a German technical consultancy company, used its modular and scalable software GeMinIS (Geological and Mineral Information System, https://www.gaf.de/content/geminis) to realize this project. GAF proved once more its capacities in technical consulting for the implementation of complex spatial data management projects.



About GAF AG – Germany

GAF was founded in Munich in 1985 and was the first German company dedicated to the applied use of remote sensing data and technology. Today, GAF is one of Europe's largest providers of geo-information services with a focus on Earth Observation. Of particular note is the company's position as one of the largest distributors of commercial Earth Observation data in Germany and Europe, its longstanding thematic and technical experience in the use of remotely sensed data, and its extensive domestic and international experience with regard to project implementation and provision of services. GAF is a member of the Telespazio Group, an European leader in Space services and subsidiary of Leonardo and Thales. For more information, please visit http://www.gaf.de.


Birgit Aigner

Birgit Aigner

Pressekontakt Technologie- und B2B-Marketing 089 543 44 065

Aigner Marketing - Technologiemarketing seit 1998

Die Aigner Marketing GmbH ist eine inhabergeführte full service Agentur - mit internationaler Reichweite und absolutem Engagement für Kunden jeder Größenordnung. Eine unserer Stärken ist das schnelle Erfassen und Verständnis von komplexen, erklärungsbedürftigen Produkten und die Fähigkeit, dies in Wort und Bild attraktiv und verständlich zu kommunizieren. Deshalb liegt unser Schwerpunkt im Bereich Technologie und B2B, mit einem Fokus auf Public Relations. Neben einer fundierten Beratung bieten wir sämtliche strategischen, konzeptionellen, kreativen und technischen Leistungen, die für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung erfolgreicher Kommunikation entscheidend sind. Wir begleiten unsere Kunden mit hoher fachlicher Expertise, erstklassigen Dienstleistungen und persönlichem Engagement. Unser Anspruch ist das optimale Ergebnis - unser langjähriger Kundenkreis ist überzeugt davon und profitiert von der Zusammenarbeit mit uns. Wir verfügen über ausgezeichnete Referenzen und Know-how in unterschiedlichsten technologischen Branchen und Bereichen sowie über ein sehr gut gepflegtes Netzwerk von Pressekontakten.

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