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Client staff together with colleagues from the GAF consortium during the first project assessment mission. ©GAF AG

GAF AG awarded two contracts to assist the Suriname Ministry of Natural Resources

As part of the Suriname Competitiveness and Sector Diversification (SCSD) Programme being run by the World Bank, GAF AG, an e-GEOS (Telespazio/ASI) company, has been awarded the lead role in two consultancy contracts, with these being "International mining specialist to support the establishment and commissioning of the Minerals Institute of Suriname.

CLC+ Backbone consortium together with EEA, EAGLE and ETC ULS teams  (photo: M. Probeck, GAF)

​The new European standard in Copernicus Land Monitoring for the coming decade: CLC+ Backbone has been kicked off

A European consortium of 14 companies and research institutions from 11 EEA member countries under the lead of GAF (Germany) has been awarded a 10 million € framework contract for implementing the CLC+ Backbone, the new ground-breaking standard in Copernicus Land Monitoring. This unique product will constitute a key element in monitoring the European Green Deal and strengthen Europe’s position as

​GAF and partners awarded contract to map European riparian zones

A European consortium headed by GAF AG has been awarded a contract by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to implement the geographic extension (2012) and complete update (2018) of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service’s Riparian Zones dataset. The project team consists of four experienced European service providers: GAF (Germany), e-Geos (Italy), GeoVille (Austria) and Indra (Spain).

The HRL 2015 team at Kick-Off: EEA, ESA, GAF, GeoVille, SIRS, e-Geos and ETC-ULS members (© M. Probeck)

​GAF, GeoVille, SIRS and e-GEOS contracted by the European Environment Agency to implement the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service — High Resolution Layers 2015

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has recently contracted GAF AG and its international partners to implement the update of the Copernicus High Resolution Layers (HRLs) Imperviousness, Forest, Grassland, Water/Wetness and Small Woody Features in the frame of the continental component of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS).

Aigner Marketing - Technologiemarketing seit 1998

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