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Central platform for performing standardized, digital procure-to-pay processes with suppliers. Image: xSuite Group
Central platform for performing standardized, digital procure-to-pay processes with suppliers. Image: xSuite Group

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xSuite Group develops new Business Partner Portal for procurement with SAP

With its new development for the cloud, the xSuite Group provides SAP user companies with a central platform for performing standardized, digital procure-to-pay processes with suppliers. Purchasing, Accounting and suppliers exchange all data and documents related to procurement via the portal. Automatic transfer of all data and documents from the portal to the SAP system relieves the Purchasing and Accounting departments. The "xSuite Business Partner Portal Sphere" is operated via the SAP Cloud Platform (SCP). The product is geared towards SAP user companies with SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA in use.

With the new Business Partner Portal of the xSuite Group, the purchasing department can continue working in the SAP environment it is familiar with. Purchase orders are generated and automatically made available to the supplier in the portal. The supplier can independently generate all subsequent documents — order confirmations, shipping notifications, invoices, credit notes — from the purchase order and transfer them back to the Purchasing department via the portal. Alternatively, the supplier can upload these documents In both cases, the Business Partner Portal automatically transfers the documents and data to the customer’s SAP system.

All information and documents are available for the purchasing department directly in the SAP system for processing. For those involved in the purchasing process, this means that documents no longer need to be printed out and mailed. The entire procure-to-pay process is much faster, and errors resulting from switching systems are eliminated.

The Business Partner Portal offers suppliers helpful functions such as the "self-service" option. This means that a new supplier, for example, can enter necessary information such as contact data and bank details himself. A workflow is started, and after release, the master data in the SAP system is stored for the supplier. Suppliers can also update their data this way.

The Business Partner Portal of xSuite also contains a function that enables companies to strengthen their liquidity in a targeted manner:

Via the portal, it is possible for the supplier to offer several payment terms with different discount levels. The purchasing company can accept or discard these discount offers. In addition, they can request a discount offer.

With its new development, the xSuite Group supports SAP's strategy of bringing its customers into the cloud. In the future, extensions and in-house programming will be compatible with the SAP Cloud Platform (SCP). Since the new xSuite portal was developed for SCP, its compatibility with current and future SAP releases is optimally ensured.



About xSuite Group

Founded in 1994 under the name of WMD, xSuite is a software manufacturer of applications for document-based processes. xSuite provides standardized, digital solutions to enterprises across the globe, making work simple, secure and fast. xSuite's products provide digital document management, automation of important work processes, and efficiency in the use of e-files. Around 1,200 customers in more than 60 countries have come to rely on xSuite solutions.

xSuite's core competence is AP automation in SAP, for mid-sized to large corporations, as well as for public clients. Other solutions automate procurement and order processing, or optimize file management and archiving. The solutions are available on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid, with standard processes from the cloud — incoming mail, data extraction, and archiving — supplementing locally installed applications. The Managed Services team supports customers using SAP-integrated xSuite solutions. xSuite Group is an SAP Silver Partner.

Headquartered in Ahrensburg, Germany, xSuite employs around 200 employees at eight locations in Europe, Asia and the USA. In 2019, the company generated total sales of € 35.5 million.


Barbara Wirtz

Marketing & PR +49 (0)4102/88 38 36

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Pressebüro, München, Schwerpunkte: ECM, BPM, Virtual Desktops, SaaS, SAP-Add-ons

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