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Skinny Fit Super Youth - Reviews of the Multi-Collagen with Peptides

We want to feel younger and more agile, have healthy skin and the right weight: Skinny Fit Super Youth should be able to do all that. The multi-collagen powder has an additional peptide formula and, according to the numerous positive experiences, acts as a real fountain of youth.

But how exactly is Super Youth composed? How can it help with weight loss and be a natural anti-aging remedy at the same time? Are there side effects and how much does the “miracle” powder actually cost? In this article we will answer these and many other questions about the product, so that you can get an accurate picture.

Click here to go directly to the official website of Skinny Fit Super Youth.

What is Skinny Fit Super Youth?

Skinny Fit Super Youth is a nutritional supplement composed of purely natural and healthy ingredients. The combination of ingredients is chosen so that - as the name of the product suggests - it should make us feel younger after taking it. Taking it counteracts typical aging processes that take place at different levels in us. It should fight cellulite, help to reduce weight, act against joint pain, beautify the complexion, strengthen hair, nails, muscles and also the immune system.

It is a powder that can be added to a variety of foods and beverages. For more information on how to use the Multi-Collagen powder, see the “How to use the Multi-Collagen powder” section.

Advantages of Skinny Fit Super Youth:

  • easy to apply
  • tastes delicious
  • is very well tolerated
  • rarely has side effects
  • supports the build-up of the body's own collagen peptides
  • not only gives us a good feeling, but actually changes something on our outside and inside - in fact on all adjusting screws of our bodies.

Skinny Fit Super Youth Effect

Loosing weight: How does Skinny Fit Super Youth work?

In our bodies there are collagens - a protein that is most abundant in our bodies. Collagen gives support to our tendons, muscles, bones and joints. In itself, the body produces collagen, but with age, the body's own collagen production decreases - and already from the age of 25.

As a result, we get wrinkles, increasingly brittle hair and fingernails, or weaker connective tissue, or even suffer from joint pain. This breakdown can be caused by many factors, including nutrition deficiencies, poor diet choices, and excess sun exposure. To counteract these aging effects, the collagen powder of Skinny Fit Super Youth should help.

The preparation contains collagen peptides. Collagen in itself has more complex structures than collagen peptides. As a rule, collagens consist of far more than 100 amino acid chains. Collagen peptides, on the other hand, have simpler structures of usually up to 50, short-chain amino acids.

While collagen peptides are usually composed of three polypeptide chains, collagens are complete proteins. These are much more difficult for the body to absorb because it first has to break down the large collagen molecule into its individual components - the amino acids - in order to then produce the body's own collagen structures. That is why Skinny Super Youth works with collagen peptides. The simultaneous intake of vitamin c accelerates the absorption of collagen peptides.

Skinny Fit Super Youth ingredients and what they do in detail

The ingredients are all of natural origin. The 5 types of collagens are type 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10. There are three sources of collagen peptides: fish, beef and chicken.

Recently, three more ingredients have been added to the powder: Apple cider vinegar, hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. The infographic of Skinny Fit Collagen gives us a simple overview:

Skinny Fit Super Youth infographic
Infographic by SkinnyFit LLC.

Here we would like to briefly discuss the effects attributed to the individual collagen types and the other ingredients:

  • Collagen type 1 makes up 90% of the body's collagen. The most abundant in the human body, type 1 collagen makes up skin, hair, bones, and teeth, thickens hair, reduces hair loss, and improves skin elasticity to promote a youthful appearance.
  • Collagen type 2 supports the suppleness of the joints and makes up a large part of the gastric mucosa, thus supporting the digestive tract.
  • Collagen type 3 has several positive properties: It strengthens the health of the heart and blood vessels, as well as organs such as the intestines and uterus, and supports muscles and the basic organic substance of bones, the bone matrix.
  • Collagen type 5 supports hair growth, vision, embryo formation, wound healing and kidney filtration.
  • Collagen type 10 reduces wear and tear of joints by serving bone formation in cartilage.
  • Apple cider vinegar is said to act as an appetite suppressant and boost fat burning - helping with weight loss.
  • Hyaluronic acid and vitamin c stimulate the body's own collagen production.

For more information, visit the official website of Skinny Fit Super Youth.

How to use the Multi-Collagen powder

Taking Skinny Fit Super Youth is very simple: mix two spoonfuls of the powder once a day in at least 16 oz. (depending on the desired sweetness) of room temperatured water or in a smoothie and drink it up.

Skinny Fit Super Youth is available in an unflavored version plus in three flavors: tropical, pineapple and peach mango. It is non-GMO and dairy free and also gluten free. It should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Skinny Fit Super Youth where to buy

Skinny Fit Super Youth where to buy and price at Amazon and Walmart

The Skinny Fit Super Youth powder is currently available for a fairly high price on amazon - it starts from $91.95 per jar. Walmart does have it in their assortment for $99.95 per bottle. But always note that here may be different return policies and the guarantees and authenticity to get the original product with the stated ingredients can only be guaranteed when buying from the manufacturer's site.

How much does Skinny Fit Collagen cost?

Lately the manufacturer offers the following discount promotion every now and then:

1 bottle (28 servings): 40% off: $59,95 (instead of $99,95)

2 bottles (56 servings): 45% off: $109,95 (instead of $199,90)

3 bottles (84 servings): 50% off: $149,90 (instead of $299,85).

The manufacturer offers a 90 day return policy with refund if you don't like the product.

Accepted payments are: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and PayPal.

Note: Currently there is a trial offer where you can get a bottle of Super Youth for only $19.95.

This link will take you directly to the official website of Super Youth.

Who is behind Skinny Fit?

Skinny Fit Super Youth is manufactured by Skinny Fit LLC. The company is based in Denver, USA and offers a 90-day money-back guarantee as well as very good customer support via mail or phone from Mon-Sun 24/7. Skinny Fit’s mission is to make healthy living easier by developing innovative products. It offers an optional monthly subscription plan, discounts on products and special promotions. Please find the contact information in the footer of this article.

Skinny Fit Super Youth side effects

Collagen supplements contain only purely natural ingredients and are well tolerated by most people. Mild side effects, such as nausea, stomach upset or diarrhea, occur sporadically.

It is important to keep in mind that while it is a natural supplement, there is limited scientific evidence to support the claims made by the manufacturer. You should always check the ingredients before taking any supplement, especially if you are allergic, pregnant or breastfeeding. You should also consult with your physician before starting a new supplement regime.

Skinny Fit Super Youth Reviews

Skinny Fit Super Youth reviews - this is how effective it works

On the Internet, among the reviews of the product, apart from the rather high price, you can not find any criticism. The reviews of the preparation are 80% positive. In particular, the effectiveness against joint pain, as a dietary product, improvement of hair and nail structure, smoother skin and good taste are much praised here. They report that their skin has become firmer and softer at the same time and they have more energy.

The ingredients of the powder are convincingly selected and thoughtfully composed. Taking the preparation seems to be simple and thus very suitable for everyday use. The natural ingredients, rare and low side effects also speak for the product. Only the price is a bit high.However, it is worth mentioning that the product is not only to make us feel good, but collagens actually improve the internal structures and contribute to the healthy construction of our body.

Skinny Fit Super Youth FAQ

Can you buy the Multi-Collagen in pharmacies or drugstores?

Super Youth Skinny Fit is available from time to time in online stores, drugstores, on amazon and also at walmart. However, it is currently sold out at amazon. In order to ensure the warranty and originality of the product, we always recommend buying from the manufacturer's website.

Can Skinny Fit Super Youth replace a meal?

No, Skinny Fit Super Youth does not replace a meal. Please take it as it is described.

How quickly does the intake lead to success?

Most users already feel younger and more energetic after the first intakes. Visual differences usually become apparent after 1 to 2 months of intake. As with all active ingredients, this is very individual.

How often should I drink Super Youth Collagen?

Once a day, two spoonfuls of the powder should be dissolved in a drink or added to a meal.

Does Super Youth really reduce cellulite?

It is scientifically proven that collagens are responsible for firm connective tissue and these collagens are added to your body by the powder. However, we can not say whether it leads to a reduction of cellulite in everyone.

Is Skinny Fit Super Youth gluten free?

Yes, Skinny Fit Super Youth is a gluten free product.

Does it contain hyaluronic acid?

Yes, the powder recently contains hyaluronic acid. This is responsible for a smooth skin.

How does Apple Cider Vinegar work in Skinny Fit?

Apple cider vinegar is said to act as an appetite suppressant and boost fat burning.


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  • skinny fit collagen
  • skinny fit super youth where to buy
  • skinny fit super youth
  • skinny fit super youth reviews
  • english
  • super youth
  • skinny fit super youth multi collagen

Contact to the manufacturer

SkinnyFit LLC.

11551 E. 45th Avenue, Unit C
CO 80239

24h Customer Service:



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