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Prima Weight Loss Capsules UK ➤ Review, Ingredients, Pharmacy and Price

Obesity is more widespread than ever before. Prima Weight Loss Capsules are designed to help you lose weight without having to torture yourself with unrealistic diets. Often those affected suffer from the pressure of having to completely change their lifestyle from one day to the next or to starve themselves to slimness. The manufacturer of Prima Weight Loss Capsules promises that you can also lose weight very effectively in a natural way with the supplement and be much more motivated to get through a diet.

What's the truth behind these promises? In this article we dive into the details of the effect, present the results from the self-test and all the ingredients used, and evaluate how the product performs on balance and whether it can really help you lose weight.

Prima Weight Loss Capsules are currently not available in the UK. We can recommend the similar product Let's Keto capsules.

What are Prima Weight Loss Capsules?

Prima Weight Loss Capsules are a dietary supplement for losing weight, which is offered in the form of capsules. The weight loss capsules consist of completely natural ingredients and are therefore not supposed to cause any side effects or intolerances worth mentioning.

Prima Weight Loss Capsules work by stimulating the metabolism. This specifically increases the burning of fat. In addition, the cholesterol level is optimised so that fats taken in with food are not completely metabolised. Accordingly, weight can be lost in a short time and without a complete change in diet. The prerequisite for this, however, is that one does not eat too much or eat completely the wrong diet or a diet too rich in calories.

Prima Weight Loss Review

Prima Weight Loss Capsules Test Results

If you look into Prima Weight Loss Capsules in depth, you will find many experience reports and reviews about the product. The most important thing to note here is that the experiences that users have had with the product are consistently positive. Most people report that they were able to achieve significant results within the first few weeks. The big boost in weight loss can usually be expected after one or two months. We have broken down and summarised the results from the test with Prima Weight Loss Capsules into the different phases for you.

Effects in the initial phase

Immediately after taking Prima Weight Loss Capsules, one should not expect to feel a change in one's own body. Although there are reports that some users feel energised after just a few hours, this has not been independently confirmed.

What can be assumed, however, is that after one to two days of taking the Prima weight loss capsules, you will feel how your metabolism is stimulated and slowly but gradually begins to change. Fat burning is significantly increased and many people already feel more energetic during this phase and have the sensation of an increased energy level. Incidentally, this is accompanied by a reduction in the feeling of hunger. Accordingly, there are fewer food cravings from which those affected suffer.

Effect after 14 days

Many successes are reported after only 14 days. Within this time, you can lose between 0.3 and 0.8 stones with Prima Weight Loss Capsules. Most users in the test lost 0.2 to 0.5 stones in the first seven days and 0.2 to 0.4 stones more in the second week. Especially in the initial phase of the first week, the body strongly adjusts the metabolism, so that stored water is also lost. This explains the initially higher weight loss in the first week compared to the second.

Effect after 1 month

Between 0.5 and 1.5 stones weight loss is not uncommon within one month with Prima Weight Loss Capsules. Admittedly, 1.5 stones in four weeks is a real achievement and not everyone can achieve that. It all depends on the diet and additional activities such as sports or fitness. In addition, many test persons have already lost a good 0.8 or even 1.1 stones in weight.

Effect after 2 months

After two months, the majority of users in the Prima Weight Loss Capsules test had already lost more than 1.5 stones. Really strong successes that have been realised in this period are around 3 stones weight loss. Above all, the people with a lower weight feel much more efficient and report that they have a considerably increased stamina than was previously the case.

Prima Weight Loss Capsules are currently not available in the UK. We can recommend the similar product Let's Keto capsules.

To illustrate the effect of Prima Weight Loss Capsules, we have put together an infographic with the different time periods in which typical weight loss and weight loss successes can be seen. These are also illustrated with the expected effect of an accompanying sports programme.

Prima Weight Loss Infographic

These ingredients achieve the Prima Weight Loss effect

When it comes to the composition of the capsules, the manufacturer of prima emphasises that these are particularly high-quality and selected ingredients. These are available in particularly effective extracts that can be directly absorbed and stored by the body. Above all, it is always mentioned that these are purely natural ingredients that also occur in nature or are based on plants. This means that tolerance is very high and side effects are rare or even non-existent.

The active ingredient complex is based on amino acids, which are directly linked to a weight-loss-promoting effect, and the medicinal plant Garcinia Cambogia. We have listed all the ingredients again for you and described them in a condensed fact sheet:

  • L-arginine
  • L-carnitine
  • Garcinia Cambogia


A natural amino acid that influences many metabolic processes in the body and supports weight loss.

  • Beneficial for hormone balance
  • Controls the production of enzymes
  • Sets the fat burning process in motion


A compound formed in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine that positively influences fat metabolism.

  • Body gains energy from fat
  • Fat burning is increased
  • Fat reserves are used up

Garcinia Cambogia

Also called Malabar tamarind. In the extract of this fruit, the component hydroxycitric acid (HCA) has an appetite-suppressing effect.

  • Natural appetite suppressant reduces the feeling of hunger
  • Slows down the action of the enzyme citrate lyase: less energy has to be metabolised
  • Increases fat burning

Prima Weight Loss Dosage

Intake and dosage

You can't really go wrong with the intake and dosage of Prima Weight Loss Capsules. The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule daily with a little water. Ideally, the product is taken before one of the main meals.

Many users choose to take Prima Weight Loss Capsules before dinner so that they can then work undisturbed over bedtime. This is quite understandable, as at this time the body has little to do with digestion and the entire metabolism is in a state of rest. However, some people prefer to take Prima Weight Loss Capsules first thing in the morning with breakfast because their metabolism is stimulated too much at such a late hour. But everyone can try this out for themselves and find the best time for them.

How did Consumer Reports rate the product?

Consumer Reports is one of the most reputable and trustworthy institutions when it comes to evaluating products or services. Consumer Reports has also carried out product evaluations and tests in the field of nutrition and dietary supplements as well as for various diet products.

In our research, however, we were unable to find any reports on Prima Weight Loss Capsules. Likewise, we cannot be sure that a separate test series on Prima Weight Loss Capsules is currently being carried out. However, it cannot be ruled out that a Consumer Reports review will be carried out in the future.

Were Prima Weight Loss Capsules in "Dragons Den"?

No, it must be clearly stated here that Prima Weight Loss Capsules did not appear on the television programme "Dragons Den" at any time. There were also no other product reviews or advertisements that could have a connection with "Dragons Den". If websites or shops nevertheless advertise the product with such a statement, one should be careful that it is not a scam or a fake.

Prima Weight Loss Capsules

Who should not take Prima Weight Loss Capsules?

Above all, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take Prima Weight Loss Capsules. However, it should also be noted that dieting and weight loss in general are not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, people with diabetes mellitus are advised not to use them and people with chronic diseases are advised to consult their doctor beforehand. In general, the use of Prima Weight Loss Capsules is only permitted for persons over 18 years of age. Beyond that, the capsules are recommended for both women and men of all ages.

Do Prima Weight Loss Capsules have side effects?

Due to the natural composition and herbal ingredients, there are no significant side effects to watch out for. Most users describe that they have not felt any intolerances or unwanted side effects at all. Very rarely, fatigue or mild headaches are reported.

Prima Weight Loss Capsules FAQ - Other frequently asked questions

Are Prima Weight Loss Capsules safe?

Because it is a natural, herbal product, it is often described as safe. Side effects are therefore very rare and of little consequence.

Are Prima Weight Loss Capsules available in pharmacies?

No, the capsules are currently not available in pharmacies or drugstores. They are only available on the official website of the manufacturer. You should be especially careful here so that you don't buy counterfeits or imitations that have little or no effect.

How soon can I expect an effect?

An initial effect is usually noticeable within one to two days. For many users, the first results can be expected within the first week. Significant weight loss usually begins within one to two months.

How much do Prima Weight Loss Capsules cost?

A monthly pack contains 30 capsules and costs from £ 34.98.

How much can I lose with the capsules?

Exactly how much you can lose with Prima Weight Loss Capsules will vary depending on your physical constitution. However, most users in the test report losing 0.2 to 0.5 stones in the first week, around 0.8-1.1 stones within one month and about 1.5 stones after two months. However, great successes of 3 stones or more are not uncommon and possible.

Prima Weight Loss Test

Conclusion - Can Prima Weight Loss Capsules be recommended?

If you look at Prima Weight Loss Capsules in detail, you will find many positive opinions. Many people report great success and are happy to have tried the product. Especially the natural composition and the good price compared to other products will appeal to many people.

Since it is a natural dietary supplement, most people will be able to experience Primakapseln without side effects. Therefore, it is definitely a weight loss product that you can try yourself without a guilty conscience and without great risk.

Prima Weight Loss Capsules are currently not available in the UK. We can recommend the similar product Let's Keto capsules.


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Contact to the manufacturer

MayProducts Europe UAB
Perkūnkiemio g. 13-91
12114 Vilnius


Digital7 - D. Hartung

Press contact Community Manager PR & Kommunikation