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Nuubu Foot Patches - Reviews, Side Effects, Walmart and price

The detoxification of our body plays a major role for many people and Nuubu foot patches are supposed to help purify accumulated toxins in a natural way. The manufacturer of the patches promises an effect virtually during sleep, in that they remain overnight on the sole of the foot and develop their effect there via the sweat glands. But what is the truth behind the manufacturer's promises? Are there studies on the mode of action and how critical should one be of the product?

In the following article, we go into the trend of the still fairly new Nuubu foot patches and describe what is important.

This link will take you to the official website of Nuubu

What are Nuubu foot patches?

Nuubu foot patches are foot patches consisting of herbal extracts, natural ingredients that have been used in Asian traditions for centuries. They remove toxins from the body and are believed to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as increasing the efficiency of the immune system. Nuubu foot patches are easily applied to the sole of the foot at night and removed in the morning.

Nuubu foot patches do they work

Nuubu foot patches effect: what benefits are promised?

Nuubu foot patches contain minerals and nutrients that are essential for healthy body functions. Their main ingredient, bamboo vinegar, is extracted from the original Asian bamboo. It is said to promote the production of beneficial microorganisms in the body while improving digestion and bowel movements. Its antibacterial properties arguably make it an excellent choice for colds and flu.

Nuubu foot patches can provide these benefits:

  • is said to have a detoxifying effect
  • is based on a holistic approach
  • ingredients are based on traditional Japanese medicine
  • contains natural ingredients
  • are very easy to use
  • have hardly any side effects
  • are comfortable to wear
  • can improve the well-being

Nuubu foot patches ingredients

These natural ingredients are said to work in Nuubu foot patches

The ingredients in Nuubu patches include herbal extracts and plant compounds that help cleanse and detoxify the body, reduce odor, and improve sleep. Some of these ingredients come from traditional Japanese medicine, while others are scientifically proven. One of them is vitamin C, which has been shown to have antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Another ingredient is loquat leaves, which are said to absorb foul odors. Another is bamboo vinegar, which contains beneficial bacteria and can help the body's digestive system. Tourmaline powder, which has antibacterial and antiviral effects, is also included. It is also said to stimulate the metabolism.

In Nuubu foot patches, heart-shaped houttuynia is also found, which has antibacterial and antiviral properties and can also strengthen the liver and kidneys. In addition, a negative ION powder is added, which is said to harmonize the oxygen content of the blood and restore the pH balance of the body.

The following ingredients are used in Nuubu foot patches:

  • Bamboo Vinegar
  • Negative ION powder (anion)
  • Dextrin
  • Wood vinegar
  • Houttuynia cordata
  • Loquat leaf
  • Tumalin
  • Vitamin C

Nuubu foot patches infographic

The following properties are attributed to the ingredients:

Anion (negative IONEN powder).

Regulation of PH and oxygen levels in the blood.

Bamboo vinegar

Mineralizing and detoxifying effects.


Strengthens the body's immune defenses by increasing health-promoting bacteria in the intestines.

Wood vinegar

Moisture absorption from the pores and antibacterial effects.

Houttuynia Cordata

The plant is considered a basic therapeutic against infections, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Loquat leaf

Loquat leaf is said to have an antibacterial effect, it spreads a pleasant fragrance and can eliminate bad odors.

Tumalin (mineral)

Promotes the detoxification process, strengthens the liver and kidneys.

Vitamin C

Strengthening the immune system and promoting a healthy psyche.

According to the manufacturer, Nuubu detox patches contain this unique blend of natural ingredients that stimulate physical detoxification. When the body is loaded with too many toxins, it becomes weaker and more susceptible to disease. Nuubu foot patches can relieve these symptoms and help the body detoxify itself over time.

Are Nuubu foot patches real or a scam?

First of all, we can say that Nuubu foot patches are a serious offer and not a fake. You get the patches to stick on the soles of your feet with the natural ingredients, exactly as they are stated. With regard to the effect, there are many positive reports on the Internet and if you pay attention to the statements from the customers, many praise the pleasant and easy application and state that they definitely feel an effect.

Likewise, the product could pass in various tests on different portals and health websites. However, the principle of the patches is based on an alternative approach, which is why there are no really conclusive studies or research results yet. The whole thing can be compared with the development of acupuncture, which was controversial as an application for a very long time. Nowadays it is considered a proven, safe and effective healing method, which is also accepted by conventional medicine.

This link will take you to the official website of Nuubu

How fast do Nuubu foot patches work?

Some users experience the first effect after the first use. For others it takes a few days.

Method and duration of use

Nuubu foot patches are meant to be worn overnight to help the body get rid of harmful toxins and improve overall well-being.

The duration of use varies greatly because people react differently to the all-natural ingredients. For optimal effect, the patches should be worn for at least 10 consecutive days. During the first application phase, the patches should be used for one month. Many users already feel an effect the first morning after application.

Should I talk to a doctor before using the patches?

Due to the limited experience in the use of the patches by adolescents, they should only be used from the age of 18. Pregnant women and people with allergies to any of the ingredients should seek the advice of a doctor beforehand.

Are there any side effects?

The product has few side effects and overall Nuubu foot patches are safe and have been proven effective according to the manufacturer.

Nuubu foot patches contain organic ingredients and are free of synthetic additives. They help strengthen the immune system and improve physical and mental health. However, the wood vinegar used in Nuubu foot patches may cause skin irritation in some people.

The manufacturer recommends that children under the age of eighteen should not use the patches. If you experience an adverse reaction, you should contact Nuubu customer service for assistance. It is important to know the exact ingredients of the product.

Who are Nuubu foot patches suitable for?

For anyone who wants to aim for detoxification or suffers from poor sleep or digestive problems and wants to treat them in a natural way. Furthermore, for anyone who wants to increase their general well-being.

Nuubu foot patches price

How much do the detox patches cost?

Currently, there is a 70% discount promotion running on the Nuubu website, and if you order multiple packs, there is also a bulk discount that allows you to get a pack for as little as $ 13.99. For a better overview, we have provided an overview with the prices here:

1 pack (10 pieces): $ 17,95 instead of $ 59,83

2 packs (20 pieces): $ 33,96 instead of $ 113,20

3 packs (30 pieces): $ 45,96 instead of $ 153,20

4 packs (40 pieces): $ 55,96 instead of $ 186,53.

The shipping costs are $ 4,95.

Return policy: Within 30 days after receipt free of charge with deduction of 15% restocking fee.

This link will take you to the official website of Nuubu

Is Nuubu available at the pharmacy or Walmart?

No, Currently, the patches are only offered through the manufacturer's official website. They are not sold in brick-and-mortar retail stores or in pharmacies, drugstores markets or Walmart.

There are always offers of Nuubu foot patches on online marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay or even specialized online stores. However, here it is not possible to ensure in every case that they are the original products.

If you want to make sure that you are not buying a fake, you should always stick to the official manufacturer's site.

Are there any results from studies and research?

There are no official studies on the effectiveness of Nuubu foot patches on the Internet yet. At this point, we have to rely on the experiences of users and, in case of doubt, test the patches ourselves.

As soon as there are publications, they will be shared here.

Nuubu foot patches reviews

Nuubu foot patches review: conclusion and evaluation

Those who deal with the detox patches, are different opinions about the product on the Internet get. Praise and criticism are sometimes close to each other. While some places criticize that there are no studies that can prove the effect, many people are convinced and enthusiastic about the natural composition of the active formula.

Many users report that the patches improve their mood and even help them lose weight. They also report that they feel more energized and refreshed after wearing the patch. As described above, there are no studies on the effectiveness of the patches yet, so we can only rely on the collected experiences of users and corresponding reports on the Internet. However, due to the low price, many people form their own opinion and simply try Nuubu foot patches.


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