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New feeder route to Copenhagen

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New feeder route to Copenhagen

CMP welcomes X-PRESS FEEDERS who will call CMP’s container terminal in Nordhavn, Copenhagen, from July 7.

It is a fixed weekly call with scheduled arrival and departure Tuesday.

“X-PRESS FEEDERS has previously had some calls in Copenhagen, and we are happy that with X-PRESS FEEDERS we have created the possibility of a route calling on a regular weekly basis. Their call strengthens our existing route network and makes it even more attractive to transport goods to and from eastern Denmark via the container terminal in Copenhagen”, says Povl Dolleris Røjkjær Ungar, COO, Copenhagen Malmö Port.

X-PRESS FEEDERS calls the service DSX – Denmark Sweden Express, and connects Copenhagen with container hubs in Bremerhaven and Hamburg.



Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 70 252 00 98

We connect sea with shore and create growth and prosperity for all

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is one of Scandinavia’s largest port operators, and a full-service port in the Øresund region. We receive a vast variety of goods and have an infrastructure customised for all types of vessels.

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)

Terminalgatan 18
201 25 Malmö

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