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Corona: Status of the port operation in Copenhagen and Malmö

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Corona: Status of the port operation in Copenhagen and Malmö

CMP is of course doing everything we can to keep all terminals open and ensure a continuous freight flow. We are in an unpredictable situation where we do not know the final extent or consequences, but where we continuously follow the recommendations and requirements of the authorities. All personnel whose tasks allow them to work remotely have been asked to work from home. At present, normal operation is being maintained at all terminals, but with ongoing adaptation to government recommendations. This could undoubtedly result in future issues for operations at our terminals, for which we hope for the understanding of our customers and business partners. CMP will continuously inform about the situation through our daily operational contacts and dialogues – and will also ensure that our ongoing operations are conducted as well as possible.


Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 70 252 00 98

We connect sea with shore and create growth and prosperity for all

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is one of Scandinavia’s largest port operators, and a full-service port in the Øresund region. We receive a vast variety of goods and have an infrastructure customised for all types of vessels.

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)

Terminalgatan 18
201 25 Malmö

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