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Transport for New South Wales - TCB Phase 3 has officially begun!

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Transport for New South Wales - TCB Phase 3 has officially begun!

On Monday 17th April the Australian team kicked off the 3rd and final phase of the TfNSW TCB project. This phase will see the remaining 1800 rural & regional buses installed with the Consat Telematics system, there will be 3000 vehicles in total from the TCB Project once complete.

We were lucky enough to have Pär Thuresson (CEO Consat Telematics) in Australia for the first week of installs and we visited the onsite team at the first depot in Taree, which is a 4-hour drive from the Sydney Office.

The map is all 427 operators in Phase 3…




Jenny Fredér

Jenny Fredér

Press contact Marknadschef +46313400026
Charlotte Lundén

Charlotte Lundén

Press contact CMO Consat Telematics
Ismail Ovacik

Ismail Ovacik

Press contact CEO Consat Design

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From services in IT, Life Science, Vehicles, Automation, Product Development, ITS systems for Public Transport and Energy Efficiency to network and system maintenance. Consat offers a wide range of advanced expertise. Our companies are focused on development-intensive and forward-looking industries where we can grow together with our customers.


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