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Persontrafik will be October 25-27 2022 at Stockholmsmässan

Persontrafik will be October 25-27 2022 at Stockholmsmässan

Event date 25 October 2022 10:00 – 27 October 2022 17:00

Location Mässvägen 1 Älvsjö

In October 2022, the industry will once again be able to come together in Stockholm. By then it will be four years since we last met, and a great deal has happened over that period. New experiences, tough challenges and new solutions have emerged. Persontrafik 2022 in Stockholm will be a chance for the industry to re-energise and look towards the future.

Persontrafik has developed into one of Europe’s most important events for the public transport industry. The aim is to offer comfortable, attractive, eco-friendly and adapted solutions that place the passenger front and centre.


Jenny Fredér

Jenny Fredér

Press contact Marknadschef +46313400026
Charlotte Lundén

Charlotte Lundén

Press contact CMO Consat Telematics
Ismail Ovacik

Ismail Ovacik

Press contact CEO Consat Design

Doers of Innovation

From services in IT, Life Science, Vehicles, Automation, Product Development, ITS systems for Public Transport and Energy Efficiency to network and system maintenance. Consat offers a wide range of advanced expertise. Our companies are focused on development-intensive and forward-looking industries where we can grow together with our customers.


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