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Top 5 Ways to Scam in Runescape and buy rs gold for sale
Runescape brings us a lot of fun, and then if you are scam in game, it will break your fun. How to identify Scam ? This list is intended to be used as a reference for ensuring you don’t fall prey to one of these scams. Using the information to scam other people is against the TOS for Runescape and is liable to get you banned.If you want to Sell Runescape Gold,Please make sure you have chosen a legitimate and safe We are most trust on
Top 1#
Doubling money.
You will ofen note "Doubling Money " on GE. As a matter of fact, the general and ever-changing RuneScape populace displays a remarkable resilience to being conned by the same tricks over and over again. You too can benefit from this trick even today! Make sure to specify a minimum amount to double. If some guy want to trade you doubling money,you will be scam. Never to seek additional benefits.
Top 2#
Price Changing
When doing a trade one scam employed is for the player to offer a huge amount of money for something. A lot of Runescape players, especially the newer ones will glady accept the deal and think they are making a killing.
For example, they may offer 1 million coins (1 000k) for a full rune. Whilst their eager victim is distracted they will withdraw 989 996 coins, leaving a total of 1 0004 which looks almost identical to 1000k in the Runescape window.
The best way to avoid this scam is to take your time and check the second trade window before accepting.
Top 3#
Rune-iron swapping
Here, the scammer offers a rune scimitar for a knock down price in order to encourage someone into a trade. As soon as someone offers to trade they swap the rune scimitar for an iron one which looks very similar. If the victim doesn’t do a mouseover or carefully check the second confirmation window then the scammer will likely fleece them for 25k+
Top 4#
Use a female character.
there are three types of gender in RuneScape: guys, guys pretending to be girls, and girls.Some guy will set their types of gender in RuneScape as girl.They always send message Buying GF lol. We have done a survey, the real female players rarely send buying gf information..
Top 5#
Drop Scam
Some players will trick other players into dropping their items for them. As of the 10 December drop update, the scammer is unable to get any of the victim's items. Plus, when you try to navigate away from the page while you are still logged in, it will remind you that you are still logged in, so pressing alt-f4 and ctrl-w does not work any more.
We just listed a part of the case of fraud, of course, the game contains a lot of cheating programs. We should keep some vigilance. If you want to Buy Runescape Gold or RS 07 Gold. Please make sure that you have chosen the right website Besides,you can also Sell RS Gold to us for real money through our 24/7 customer service online. Good Luck.