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'Champagne Magnum Opus' - Richard Juhlins livsverk

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'Champagne Magnum Opus' - Richard Juhlins livsverk

I november'22 lanseras ett av årets mest storslagna bokprojekt i Sverige. På Mondial utkommer Richard Juhlins livsverk Champagne Magnum Opus i tre exklusiva utgåvor.

Richard Juhlin är den främste champagneexperten genom tiderna. Han har under drygt fyra decennier gått igenom alla kvarvarande och viktiga champagner i samma anda som Carl von Linné gjorde med växtriket för mer än tvåhundrafemtio år sedan. Resultatet är hans Magnum Opus, en bok som kartlägger över 13 000 olika champagner och berättar allt du behöver veta om drycken.

Boken är formgiven av Frankenstein Studio, med bilder tagna av Pål Allan och Fredrik Skogkvist, samt unika illustrationer av Jayde Cardinalli. I den finns också tio exklusiva recept av Tommy Myllymäki.

Boken kommer ut i tre olika utföranden, alla tryckta i Italien: 

  • Standardutgåvan.
  • Deluxeutgåvan, som är nästan fyra decimeter hög, tre decimeter bred och väger över tre kilo. Den kommer i ett grönt kartonnage, placerat i en förgylld bokkasset. Med boken får du även ett års medlemskap i Champagne Club by Richard Juhlin, där du hittar hans fullständiga recensioner av alla de 13 000 champagner han druckit genom åren.
  • Samlarutgåvan, som enbart finns i 500 numrerade och signerade exemplar. I denna bibliofilutgåva är boken inbyggd i ett handgjort korkhölje och levereras med ett personligt brev från Richard, medlemskap i Champagne Club och ett unikt anteckningsblock för egna provningar.

    Alla böckerna finns att köpa här!

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Champagne is synonymous with celebration and luxury, and the world’s number one champagne expert, Richard Juhlin who holds the world record for most champagne tasted since 1998 – more than 13,000+ unique champagnes. - embodies that message with graceful prose and gorgeous photography in a stunningly elegant new digital platform [ ]


Björnstierne Antonsson

Björnstierne Antonsson

Press contact wine director & champagne club manager

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Champagne is the language of luxury. This is your dictionary.

Richard Juhlin is the world’s number one champagne expert, most famous for his skills in blind taste tasting. Since 1998 he has held the world record for most champagne ever tasted, having tasted more than 14,000+ different unique champagnes in his lifetime.

In 2013 Juhlin was awarded the Légion d’honneur. His additional awards include the Chevalier d’Arc in 1997 and the Mérite agricole from the French Ministry of Agriculture in 2002, and in 2003 at the annual Spectacle du Monde tasting in Paris he correctly identified 43 out of 50 champagnes. Juhlin is also credited with arranging one of the greatest champagne tastings ever held, a 1999 Stockholm Millenium tasting event spotlighting 150 of the best champagnes ever made.

Juhlin is the author of nine books, including Champagne Magnum Opus, Champagne Hiking, The Great Tasting and 3,000 Champagnes, all three of which received the prize for ‘Best Book on French Wines in the World’ at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Another release, 4,000 Champagnes, received an important prize – ‘The International Champagne Writer of the Year Award’ in 2005 at The Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards at Vinexpo in 2005.


’By listing more than 12,000+ tasting notes of Champagne, Mr. Richard Juhlin has established himself as one of the best connoisseurs of Champagne in the world and one of the most influential promoters of this French know-how (savoir-faire). His outstanding work, carried out with determination for more than 20 years, has contributed significantly to the spread of Champagne in Sweden & the world, but also to the promotion of the Champagne-Ardenne region here. In appointing Richard Juhlin Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, the French authorities wanted to pay tribute to his work of passion and promotion of Champagne’

by the former French President François Hollande

‘The Mozart and Beethoven of wine today may be Robert Parker and Richard Juhlin. Robert Parker received the highest distinction in France, the Legion of Honor in 1999 from President Chirac. Richard Juhlin received the Legion of Honor from President François Hollande in 2013. As the Emperor of Austria might have said, Beethoven (and Parker) might make more noise, and Mozart (and Juhlin) may have too many notes, but both are beautiful for everyone and changed music (and wine) forever.'
Edouard Cointreau - CEO - Gourmand World Cookbook Awards

Champagne Club by Richard Juhlin

Brotorpsvägen 12
181 64 Lidingö