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新西兰可再生能源公司Meridian Energy与瑞典公司Candela签署了一项协议,将世界上第一艘电动水翼渡轮Candela P-12在马纳普里湖投入使用,以便为该国最大水电站的员工和承包商提供服务。




Meridian能源公司发电业务部总经理Tania Palmer表示,Candela电动渡轮是Meridian减少内部交通排放量,并实现到2030年将排放量减半的重要举措之一。

Tania Palmer说道:“为了减少排放,我们必须勇于大胆创新。我们寻遍全球,找到了符合我们需求的最新型、最先进渡轮——Candela P-12后,才与瑞典公司Candela签署了协议。

Candela P-12是一个激动人心的产品,可取代我们目前用于将员工和承包商从湖上运送到发电站的柴油渡轮。它将大幅减少排放量,并为我们的团队提供可以说是世界上最好的一种通勤方式。”

Meridian将成为欧洲之外,首个引入瑞典设计的Candela P-12电动渡轮的客户。

Candela首席执行官Gustav Hasselskog表示:“我们很高兴能与可持续能源转型和碳减排领域的全球佼佼者展开合作,Candela P-12不日就能在马纳普里湖上投入使用,我们对此非常期待。”


Candela P-12依靠计算机引导的水翼船技术进行飞行,船体抬升至水面以上高速运行,相比传统船只,摩擦和阻力减少了约80%,且船只能够仅使用电池动力实现远距离高速运行。在巡航速度为25节的情况下,该船舶在后方产生的尾迹高度不超过15厘米(约6英寸),这将最大程度地减少对马纳普里湖岸线的干扰。位于联合国教科文组织世界遗产保护区的马纳普里湖,是包括长鳍鳗在内的许多本土物种的栖息地。

Candela P-12预计将于2025年在马纳普里湖上投入运营。


Candela Technology AB总部位于斯德哥尔摩,是水翼电动船只领域的全球领先企业。该公司由工程师Gustav Hasselskog于2014年创立,旨在通过研发比化石燃料驱动型船只更出色的电动船只,加速全球湖泊和海洋向无化石燃料能源转型的进程。



2019年,Candela推出了首款量产船只——开放式运动艇C-7,该型号的生产一直持续到2021年,共生产了32艘。而在2022年,Candela推出了更大型且适合大规模生产的升级型号Candela C-8,销量超过150艘,成为欧洲最畅销的电动船。

2024年,Candela推出了其首款商用船只——Candela P-12接驳渡轮。该款渡轮最高时速可达30节,航程可达60海里。这款渡轮也将成为市场上最为节能的高速船只,相比柴油船,预计能够大幅降低运营成本。这款渡轮于2023年11月首次下水。

Candela是一家总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的科技公司,现有工程师、技术人员和生产人员两百余人。该公司自主研发了整个技术堆栈,从C-POD发动机到控制系统及碳纤维船体,全部由公司内部完成。Candela旗下位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的全资工厂,生产Candela C-8和P-12这两种型号的船只。该公司还在12个国家拥有休闲船只分销商,并在美国旧金山和法国戛纳设有全资控制的销售办事处。

Images and Video:

Meridian Candela P-12 news

Quick facts about the Candela P-12 ferry

Candela is a Swedish tech company dedicated to unlocking the potential of our waterways for sustainable transport. Candela designs and builds the world's first electric hydrofoil ships and boats. As these vessels fly above the friction of water, they overcome the greatest hurdle to electrification at sea, namely that conventional hulls are hugely inefficient and have correspondingly short range at high speeds.

After launching the best-selling C-8 leisure boat in 2019 (hailed by the press as an Iphone moment for boats) Candela is now set to revolutionize commuting with the record-shattering P-12 ferry, which was launched three months ago.

Candela P-12:

- The fastest electric ferry in the world, with a 30-knot top speed

- Has the longest range of any electric ship with a range of 50 nautical miles at 25 knots

- 80% lower energy consumption than conventional vessels, making it the most efficient fast ship to date

- Minimal wake generation, which can cut travel times drastically, given exemptions from speed limits (as in Stockholm).

- 90% lower energy/maintenance costs than diesel vessels, allowing operators to transition from diesel ships to sustainable fleets and making a profit

- Requires very low investments for charging infrastructure, thanks to its high efficiency. A typical DC charger for cars is sufficient

See Candela P-12 fly on Youtube:


Length 12 meters

Beam 4.5 meters

Capacity 30 passengers, seated

Battery 254 kWh

Motors 2 x Candela C-POD

Top speed 30 knots

Cruise speed 25 knots

Range 50 nautical miles at 25 knots

Media contact Candela

Mikael Mahlberg, Head of communications

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Stockholm-based Candela Technology AB is the world leader in hydrofoiling electric vessels. The company was founded in 2014 by engineer and business leader Gustav Hasselskog with the mission to accelerate the world's transition to fossil fuel-free lakes and oceans by developing electric vessels that outperform those powered by fossil fuels.

Candela's watercraft have wings (hydrofoils) that lift the hull above the water and reduce friction, using 80% less energy than conventional ships at high speed. This technology allows for long-range water travel solely on battery power, a first in the industry. Candela's hydrofoils also enable operators to transition to sustainable fleets by providing up to 50% lower operational costs.

At the heart of Candela's hydrofoil tech stack is the Flight controller, which automatically stabilizes the vessel during flight by regulating the foils, using sensors that gauge wave height and wind speed, among other factors. Even in rough weather, passengers experience 90% less g-forces than they would on a traditional boat. All Candela vessels are fully connected and receive over-the-air updates.

After five years of research and development, Candela began producing the world's first electric hydrofoil leisure boat in 2019, the Candela C-7 open "roadster of the seas". This was followed in 2021 by the high-volume market Candela C-8, which will be delivered to the first customers in spring 2023. Over 150 C-8 units have been sold to date, and the vessel has been lauded as a "game changer" by Motorboat and Yachting magazine, winning numerous awards including the 2022 European Powerboat of the Year award for its superior seakeeping, long range, and high speed.

In 2023, Candela is launching its first commercial vessel, the Candela P-12 Shuttle ferry. It is poised to set multiple world records for being the fastest and longest-range electric ship ever built, with a top speed of 30 knots and a range of up to 60 nautical miles. It will also be the most energy-efficient fast ship ever made in its size class. Substantial operational cost savings are expected. The first unit is water launched during summer 2023.

Candela is a technology company with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, employing over 200 engineers, technicians, and production staff. The company develops the entire tech stack, from the C-POD motor to the control system and carbon fiber hulls, in-house. Candela's two wholly-owned factories in Stockholm, Sweden, produce the Candela C-8 and P-12 vessels. The company also has leisure boat resellers in 12 countries and wholly-owned sales offices in San Francisco, USA, and Cannes, France.


Mikael Mahlberg

Mikael Mahlberg

Press contact Head of PR & Communications +46765376678

Speed. Range. Silence.

The world's only electric boat with speed and range on par with fossil fuel powered boat. And a behavior in rough sea second to none. Simply the future of boating.

Candela Technology AB

Frihamnsgatan 25
11556 Stockholm