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The new CBS Global Thought Leaders Innovation and Disruption Leaders series features Camfil in it’s 60th year as pioneer shaping solutions for healthy indoor air.
The new CBS Global Thought Leaders Innovation and Disruption Leaders series features Camfil in it’s 60th year as pioneer shaping solutions for healthy indoor air.

Press release -

Camfil joins Intel, Medscape and Microsoft in CBS Thought Leaders Series: The importance of indoor air quality in the workplace

Stockholm, 3 July 2023 - The new CBS Global Thought Leaders Innovation and Disruption Leaders series features Camfil in its 60th year as a pioneer in shaping solutions for healthy indoor air. Healthier indoor air is a concern for every organisation today, due to for example outdoor air pollution and climate change events, such as the recent Canadian fires.

For Camfil, clean air is a human right, and the company’s mission is to spread awareness about the importance of healthy indoor air around the world. Ola Skoglund, Camfil’s VP of Group Marketing & Communication: “Every single day we talk to people who are not aware of the problem with bad air because they cannot see it. That is why we believe that companies should assign a Chief Airgonomics Officer to ensure that they have someone responsible for indoor air quality - someone, who gives clean air a voice.”

In an ever-evolving world, the ability to innovate and disrupt has become crucial for business growth and to meet our customer's needs. Disruption is the new normal and research and development are key to align to rapid advancements in technology. In this series, Camfil showcases the company’s expertise - which is to protect people, processes and the planet with innovative air filtration solutions that provide clean, healthy and productive indoor air.

Tobias Zimmer, Camfil’s Vice President of Global Product Management & International Standards:

“Ensuring a clean and healthy environment in terms of air pollution is crucial because, unlike food and drink, you cannot choose what you breathe. Still, in most parts of the world, national standards allow much higher air pollution levels than accepted by WHO’s air quality guidelines, which are based on the latest science. In a nutshell, 99% of the world’s population is breathing air that is above the safe WHO limits.”

The best way to protect people from air pollution is to provide healthy air in our buildings, where we spend up to 90% of our time in industrialised countries. “The air quality that we breathe indoors, is even more important than the pollution outside, and that can be fixed quickly because we can control the indoor environment”, says Tobias Zimmer.

Paula Nowojska, Camfil Product Manager: “Air quality can have a significant impact on economic output. For example, if you have bad air in your buildings, it will increase absenteeism. On the other hand, if you have clean air in your buildings, people will be more productive, it will increase their comfort and they will be just glad to come to work.”

“Our world thrives on innovation and disruption, and it is essential to recognise and celebrate those who drive positive change”, said Paolo Zanini, CEO of TBD Media. “We believe through the Innovation and Disruption Leaders campaign, this can also educate views around the world”.

To watch Camfil’s Global Thought Leaders video, click the links below: CBS News and Global Thought Leaders. To learn more about the Chief Airgonomics Officer's initiative on clean indoor air for the workplace, visit the Chief Airgonomics Officer website

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The Camfil Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and has 30 manufacturing sites, six R&D centres, local sales offices in 35+ countries, and 5,600 employees and growing. We proudly serve and support customers in a wide variety of industries and in communities across the world. To discover how Camfil can help you to protect people, processes, and the environment, visit us at


Rose Avedissian

Rose Avedissian

Press contact Global Marketing Director, Camfil Power Systems +1 450 967 6777
Lynne Laake

Lynne Laake

Press contact Director of Marketing, North America +1 (513) 324-8346
Ola Skoglund

Ola Skoglund

Press contact VP Group Marketing Communication Group Marketing Communication +46703492701

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Clean Air Solutions

For sixty years, Camfil has been helping people breathe cleaner air. As a leading manufacturer of premium clean air solutions, we provide commercial and industrial systems for air filtration and air pollution control that improve worker and equipment productivity, minimize energy use, and benefit human health and the environment. We firmly believe that the best solutions for our customers are the best solutions for our planet, too. That’s why every step of the way – from design to delivery and across the product life cycle – we consider the impact of what we do on people and on the world around us. Through a fresh approach to problem-solving, innovative design, precise process control, and a strong customer focus we aim to conserve more, use less, and find better ways – so we can all breathe easier.