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Topics: Ball games

This World Ocean day Bluewater calls for a ban on all plastic waste being dampened in ocean (Credit: Stock 96401285)

Bluewater says single-use plastic bottles are ticking time bomb threating planetary and human health, advocates immediate ban

Stockholm, June 8, 2024 – Water purification and beverage innovator Bluewater marks this World Oceans Day 2024 with a call for an immediate ban on the ocean dumping of plastic waste which it describes as a ticking time bomb threatening the health of Planet Earth.
The Swedish-based company says the health threats posed by the pollution and contamination caused by the 600 billion bottles manufac

Bluewater lanserar världens mest avancerade vattenreningssystem för svenska hem

Bluewater lanserar världens mest avancerade vattenreningssystem för svenska hem

Rent dricksvatten utan PFAS, mikroplaster, bly och föroreningar, men med alla väsentliga mineraler direkt i kranen – Bluewater lanserar Kitchen Station, världens mest avancerade system för rening och mineralisering av kranvatten i hemmet.
– Vår nya produkt gör att man kan vara säker på att dricksvattnet är rent från föroreningar och innehåller alla mineraler som människan behöver. Det kommer oc

Bengt Rittri, grundade och vd för Bluewater.

Världsvattendagen 22 mars: Bluewater uppmanar till brådskande globala åtgärder mot PFAS i kranvatten

Nyligen upptäcktes närvaron av skadliga PFAS-föroreningar i kranvattnet till 70 miljoner amerikaner och i Europa växer oron för att dessa substanser som kallas ’evighetskemikalier’. Därför uppmanar Bluewaters grundare och vd Bengt Rittri idag på Världsvattendag 2024, att hälso- och vattenmyndigheter ska prioritera vatten fritt från PFAS och andra kemikalier.

Fast and furious beach soccer tournaments are played in challenging sun-baked environments that demand good hydration for athletes and fans.

Bluewater Quenches Thirst of Beach Soccer Stars and Fans Under Blazing Sardinian Sun as Official Hydration Partner for 2023 World Beach Soccer Championship

“Sustainability is a value we hold in high regard. This partnership with Bluewater not only reflects our commitment to this principle but also serves as a clear demonstration that our sport cares deeply about preserving the beauty of the beaches where we host our tournaments," Joan Cuscó, President of Beach Soccer Worldwide.

The Bluewater 'wall of water' - one of the biggest water dispensers in the world - was a favourite hydration oasis at the 2023 AIG Women's Open

Bluewater helps AIG Women’s Open avoid 17,706 single-use plastic bottles at 2023 championship at England’s Walton Heath in August

In a world grappling with the tsunami of plastic waste, it's refreshing to witness an event that not only showcases incredible athletic prowess but also champions a healthier planet. We're talking about the prestigious AIG Women's Open 2023 championship at Walton Heath, Surrey, just outside London, this August. And guess what? Through deploying Bluewater’s innovative hydration solutions, the champ

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Bluewater innovates, manufactures and commercializes globally a complete range of premium reverse osmosis water purifiers for residential, business and public use

Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.


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