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Blueair Offers Malaysians Residential Haven From ‘Smoggeddon’

Press release -

Blueair Offers Malaysians Residential Haven From ‘Smoggeddon’

Hong Kong, September 17, 2015 – Blueair, Sweden’s global indoor air cleaning technology company, today warned Malaysians that the health danger of indoor air pollution is widely underestimated. The company said seeking safety indoors from the current grey smog enveloping Malaysia is no guarantee of protection from the health threatening particles caused by forest fires in Indonesia.

“Scientific research reveals indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than that outside, which is why Blueair’s high-performance air purifiers offer a lifeline to householders and businesses alike who want protection from the smoggy particles enveloping Malaysia,” says Jonas Holst, Head of Blueair Asia

Mr. Holst noted that the classic Blueair 600 series will blitz smoke, dust and other airborne contaminants, cleaning the air in a 700 sq. foot room every 12 minutes of toxic particles and other pollutants. He added that while citizens can do little about the hazardous smog surrounding them outside, people can use Blueair’s air purifiers to create safer havens at home, offices and in public buildings such as schools or hospitals to protect themselves.

Blueair air cleaners regularly win top marks for their ‘extreme efficiency’ in cleaning indoor air, most recently in an independent test in the U.S.A. carried out by a leading airborne particle physicist for Fast Company magazine. Following exhaustive testing using state-of-the-art equipment, a Blueair air purifier with a Smokestop filter was described by the leading technology, business and design magazine as "the best at cleaning air as quickly as possible”.

Alexander Blomqvist, Blueair Partner Account Manager for Malaysia, said indoor air can become so bad that it has been compared to placing your head inside a plastic bag filled with toxic fumes. He said interest in Blueair air purifiers is growing considerably throughout Malaysia.

“We are happy many Malaysians are now enjoying a cleaner, healthier indoor environment with the help of Blueair air cleaners that work 24/7, using little electricity, to make their homes and workplaces safer places to be by removing harmful airborne pollution,” Mr. Blomqvist said.


A 2012 University of Buffalo study found that indoor air pollution generating fine particulate matter was a key contributor to the high rates of lung cancer among Chinese women participating in the research activity, despite the fact that few of them smoke. The U.S. EPA says that indoor air pollutants rank among the top five environmental risks to public health, while the U.S. Department of Labor notes poor indoor air quality has been tied to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Blueair air purifiers are sold in Malaysia by Visionary Solutions, which specializes in selling highly innovative, modern and superior home solutions.

For more information, please contact:


Alexander Blomqvist

Singapore Partner Account Manager,



David Noble, Blueair International PR Manager

+44 7785 302 694



Sold in over 60 countries around the world, Blueair delivers home and office users more clean indoor air for enhanced user health and wellbeing faster than any competing air purifier thanks to its commitment to quality, energy efficiency and environmental care. A Blueair air purifier works efficiently, silently to remove 99.97% of allergens, asthma triggers, viruses, bacteria and other airborne pollutants.

Blueair is a world leading producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use

Blueair is a world leading producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use. Founded in Sweden, Blueair delivers innovative, best-in-class, energy efficient products and services sold in over 60 countries around the world. Blueair is part of the Unilever family of brands.


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