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The world today celebrates Universal Children’s Day on November 20, 2016
The world today celebrates Universal Children’s Day on November 20, 2016

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World Marks UN’s Universal Children’s Day

Stockholm, Sweden, November 20, 2016 – The world today celebrates Universal Children’s Day, a day recognizing the rights of children that was instituted by the United Nations in 1954. Children’s Day comes just a few weeks after a report by UNICEF said over 300 million children live in areas that suffer extreme air pollution and breathe fumes six or more times higher than international guidelines.

With UNICEF saying air pollution is one of the leading dangers to children’s health wary parents may want to consider placing an indoor air purifier in the nursery. Blueair air purifier are designed to tackle high concentrations of pollutants that can build up in rooms, especially in energy efficient homes where air becomes trapped and locks pollutants indoors.

The US National Safety Council (NSC), a non-profit non-governmental organization promoting health and safety, says children are particularly susceptible to indoor pollution because they are at home the most and ‘breathe in 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults do’.

There are several biological reasons why young children may be more susceptible to air pollution's effects, according to the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. Children's lungs, immune system, and brain are immature at birth and continue to rapidly develop until approximately age 6, and the cell layer lining the inside of the respiratory tract is particularly permeable during this age period.

So what may be polluting our homes? According to the NSC, the obvious pollutants range from chemicals, cleaning products and pesticides to dust mites, mold, second-hand tobacco smoke, smoke from heating sources, and furnishings, all of which can spark symptoms of headaches, dizziness, nausea, itchy nose and tiredness.

Blueair’s HEPASilent filter technology captures 99.97% of all airborne particles down to 0.1 micron in size. The technology is a revolutionary combination of advanced filter media and an encapsulated particle-charging chamber that ensures a Blueair air purifier delivers results far superior than either mechanical or electrostatic technology alone.

For more information, please contact:

David Noble, Head of PR & Communication, +44 7785 302 694 and



Blueair is a world leading producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use

Blueair is a world leading producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use. Founded in Sweden, Blueair delivers innovative, best-in-class, energy efficient products and services sold in over 60 countries around the world. Blueair is part of the Unilever family of brands.


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11526 Stockholm

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