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Björn-Ola Kronander, operations and business architect at Connect Companies, the company that owns and sells the integration engine Blue Integrator.

Why should companies invest in a modern integration solution?

A smart integration solution can make a big difference to a company’s operational performance, regardless of how the economy is fluctuating. When industry wheels are rolling and business is thriving, growth needs to be managed. Especially in terms of customers, suppliers, orders, deliveries, and transactions. In contrast, during a slowdown, efficiencies might be required.

Björn-Ola Kronander, verksamhets- och affärsarkitekt på Connect Companies.

Varför ska företaget satsa på en modern integrationslösning?

Oavsett konjunktur kan en smart integrationslösning göra stor skillnad. När hjulen rullar och verksamheten går för högtryck bidrar den till att hantera tillväxten med fler kunder, leverantörer, order, leveranser och transaktioner. Och i tider av inbromsning och besparingskrav kan rätt integrationslösning bidra till rationalisering och bättre möjligheter att arbeta kostnadseffektivt.

How a modern integration solution protects against cyber threats

How a modern integration solution protects against cyber threats

When cyber security is on the agenda, it frequently relates to protecting against ransomware, DDoS-attacks and phishing. The answer to these threats is usually a combination of various technical solutions and increased user knowledge. Another component, that is often overlooked, is how secure is your integration engine – by deploying a modern solution security is instantly enhanced.

Three common mistakes that occur during integration projects

Three common mistakes that occur during integration projects

IT projects tend to grow in scope. In many cases, work becomes more complicated and costly than initially expected. Integration projects are no exception to the rule and many times problems increase as the project progresses. Henrik Aronsson lists three common mistakes that take place during an integration project and how to avoid them.

Så höjer en modern integrationslösning säkerheten

Så höjer en modern integrationslösning säkerheten

När IT-säkerhet är på agendan handlar det oftast om vikten av skydda sig mot ransomware, överbelastningsattacker, insiderhot och nätfiske. Svaret på dessa hot brukar vara olika tekniska säkerhetslösningar och ökad kunskap hos användarna. En annan komponent som ofta underskattas i säkerhetssammanhang är integrationsmotorn – med en modern lösning kan även den bidra till en högre säkerhet.

Tre vanliga misstag i integrationsprojektet

Tre vanliga misstag i integrationsprojektet

IT-projekt har en tendens att växa i omfattning. I många fall blir arbetet mer komplicerat och kostsamt än man räknat med. Integrationsprojekt är inget undantag. Ibland växer problemen i takt med att projektet fortskrider. Ofta handlar det om ett dåligt förarbete och att relativt enkla delmoment missas eller underskattas. Henrik Aronsson tipsar här om vanliga misstag som går att undvika.

Modern integrationslösning förenklar arbetet med verksamhetsförbättringar

Modern integrationslösning förenklar arbetet med verksamhetsförbättringar

När kundernas vanor förändras, affärsmodeller utvecklas och verksamhetsförbättringar blivit en avgörande framgångsfaktor måste information vara en tillgång – inte ett problem. Från att ha varit förbehållet större företag finns det i dag smarta och kostnadseffektiva integrationslösningar som håller samman information och frigör tid för verksamhetsförbättringar.

En riktigt god jul önskar vi på Blue Integrator och Connect Companies!

En riktigt god jul önskar vi på Blue Integrator och Connect Companies!

Vi tackar alla som varit med oss under 2019! Nu tar vi också lite julledigt och vill passa på att önska alla en skön och fridfull god jul. Och ett gott nytt år! Liksom tidigare år tycker vi att Rädda Barnens arbete är viktigt och gör skillnad för utsatta människor. Istället för julklappar väljer vi därför att skänka en rejäl slant till deras verksamhet.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Blue Integrator!

We thank all of you who have been with us during 2019! As we move into the holiday season, we wish you a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year! As in previous years, the charity Save the Children remains very close to our hearts and continues to do a very important job. Therefore, instead of sending our customers and partners Christmas gifts we will donate money to Save the Children.

Blue Integrator provides real value in Staples Nordic's ongoing work with the public sector. The Staples Group is the world's largest supplier of office supplies.

Working with the public sector requires a modern integration solution

A modern integration solution provides shorter lead times, less manual work, increased quality and more flexibility if you need to incorporate change. When working with the public sector, it is crucial that you have the ability to handle new procurements, rules and standards as they evolve over time. Blue Integrator provides real value in Staples Nordic's ongoing work with the public sector.

Pictured, from left, Stefan Jörkander, CEO of Connect Companies and Fredric Kjellberg, logistics and IT manager at Ted Bernhardtz At Work. Photo: Magnus Gotander, Bilduppdraget

Smart integration is a prerequisite for successful digitization

When talking about digital transformation, it is always a case of weighing up the pros and cons to the business. How does this make us better, more profitable and efficient? What´s the ROI? Every company is different and needs to make its own assessment, but an area where the benefits are often clear, both in the short and the long-term, is smart integration.

Björn-Ola Kronander, business- and systems-architect

A Modern Integration Solution Makes Innovation Easier

As customers' habits change, business models evolve and innovation become a crucial success factor. During this digital transformation information must become an asset - not a problem. Previously only accessible to larger companies, there are now smart and cost-effective integration solutions that keep information together and free up time for innovation in small to medium-sized companies.

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Integration for the future

Blue Integrator is an integration engine which enables businesses globally to manage the complexities of new real-time information systems. In order to compete in the digital economy and cope with new market challenges, traditional businesses in industries such as logistics and manufacturing along with online focussed organizations use Blue Integrator to offer a cost-effective, efficient and flexible customer experience. This includes being able to provide access to information about prices, stock balances and delivery times in real-time, regardless of the time of day or the volume of web traffic.

By deploying Blue Integrator and establishing a cohesive flow of information, companies in all sectors can transform their business and gain access to a smart integration engine that can be used for any type of integration. The user only needs to register information once from the company's various platforms and subsystems; Blue Integrator then ensures that information is automatically kept up-to-date in, for example, logistics, warehouse and ERP systems. The solution can handle several hundred messages per second and is easily integrated into both internal and external IT systems.

Simplicity is at the core of the Blue Integrator offering, it is extremely easy to install and manage, enabling a large number of integrations including Dynamic 365 in Azure. Blue Integrator is owned by Connect Companies, a consultancy with over 20 years of integration experience, and is currently used by over 200 companies worldwide for increasing automation, simplifying operations and streamlining processes.

Blue Integrator

Star Street 1
512 50 Svenljunga