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Simple Content Tips To Please The Search Engines

Even if you don’t have a full grasp on the power of search engine optimization or how to create website that is SEO friendly, knowing how to create good content is still going to help you out here. In a nutshell search engine optimization is about creating a great website which the search engines want to recommend to users when they search for certain terms. Much of this comes from the quality of the content which you upload to your site, and there are some simple tips which you should always bear in mind which will contribute towards increasing your website’s SEO power.

Whenever you create content, here is what you should bear in mind.

Power of Keywords

Keywords are important and when you are scribing a piece of content it makes sense to first check out some keywords to aim for. There are both free and paid-for tools which you can use to identify low competition and high search volume keywords, which you can then target in your piece. Be cautious that you don’t just repeat these keywords in the body of the text, mentioning them once or twice is enough. Ensure that you add the keywords to the meta title and description in order for them, to carry more weight.

Error Free

Even if we ignore the impact which it has on SEO, your content should be error free anyway. Making mistakes looks sloppy and your users are not going to be impressed by it. Even if you have challenges around your grammar or writing ability, there are a number of online tools which you can use to ensure that you have no spelling or punctuation errors.

Using Images

Using images is a great way to break up content and to make sure that you are adding some extra value to the words which you have written. It is important that you use images which you are allowed to, or which are your own, and that are appropriate based on your branding. Additionally however you need to make sure that the images which you are using on your website have been optimized. This will ensure that they look great and that the page won’t take long to load. Slow page load times damage your SEO and frustrate users, the most common reason for it is oversized images which haven’t been optimized.

Adding Value

Search engine algorithms are very sophisticated and they can tell whether or not your piece is actually providing some level of value to the reader. This can be anything from offering advice, entertaining, encouraging thought or sparking a debate, but it is critical that you are actually offering something to the user. It is not a problem to create the odd post which offers nothing more than musings or opinions, but in the main your content should seek to really provide some value to those who are going to read it.

These are the basic tips which you should follow each time that you create content for your site.

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