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Investing in an Employee App for Your Workplace: Is It the Right Decision?

With numerous businesses going remote and companies willing to hire people from various parts of the world, the need for a system that can connect and establish a smooth working environment has dramatically increased. The advancement of technology and tough competition have made it necessary for most organizations to consider employee apps to upscale their business.

Are you not sure of what a mobile app for employees is and how it can help your company reach new heights? In this guide, we shall go through a quick overview of employee apps and several reasons why it is an excellent investment for your workplace.

What Is an Employee App?

Employee apps are mobile applications that allow employees to stay connected with their workplace even if they are not physically present in the environment. Managers and business owners can broadcast important company information, targets, and other task-based data to employees via the app.

Employee apps work like other mobile apps, mainly social media platforms meant to connect people. They help employers and employees improve connectivity in their work life. This way, employees feel more connected to the workplace which keeps them happier and increases productivity.

As for employers, employee apps make handling company matters easier. Employers can promote connectivity, communication, and efficiency. This results in better progress and goal achievement.

Why Is Using an Employee App Important?

Since most people own mobile phones, there is no better way to connect with them except for an employee app. Let us look at the reasons why an employee app is so important:

  • 77% of US millennials own smartphones
  • 70% of employees use mobiles during their workday
  • Poor communication in the workplace is a significant reason behind the inability to reach targets and set goals
  • 52% of stress levels, 31% of low company self-confidence, 25% of goal failures and 44% of failed projects have been reported by companies with ineffective communication methods
  • Businesses that use employee apps are likely to hold onto their best team members that work 240 hours every year more than regular employees

Benefits of Using an Employee App in the Workplace

Central Source of Information

Any workplace is bound to have loads of data and information relevant to the business they conduct, and specific goals. This vast amount of information is easier to handle using an employee app. Along with data handling, communication and efficiency are improved too, and the employees will be better enlightened about the company and tasks at hand.

Piles of documents, incorrect and inconsistent information, are all eliminated. This leads to more organized, personal, and streamlined communication between employees, owners, and managers.

Personalization and Seamless Communication

Since most employees spend their leisure and personal time on the phone, they will feel more connected if they can engage in work-related communication through an app. The employee app allows employers to personalize communication with each employee even further by engaging based on job role, age, duties, interests, and location.

Employee apps are more beneficial for remote companies or businesses as there is no physical contact. The entire business is dependent on virtual relationships, so it's essential to have an app or platform that allows you to foster these relationships effectively. Doing so makes employees even more willing to work towards producing better results.

Instant Alerts

Another problem that an employee app eradicates is the timeline issues. No matter where your employee is or no matter what they are doing, you can alert them and inform them about specific tasks with no delay.

As an employer, you can send out important company updates, safety tips, task-related information, and other data directly to each employee. It is also possible to send these to specific employee groups if needed. This makes blue-collared employees feel more involved even if they are not on your business list, email, or intranet. The best part is that push notifications and alerts are better reminders than regular emails and are less likely to go unnoticed.

Strong Collaboration and Crisis Management

Collaborating for various projects using a mobile is an essential skill that most employers believe an employee should have. This opens up channels for collaborating with companies virtually. An employee app trains employees to use their smartphones for work-related tasks and increases work scope.

Research suggests that about 44% believe that mobile collaboration processes are essential for professional collaborations. Moreover, individual employees and the management get to connect daily and increase the communication speed. This also helps during times of crisis and helps create a safe and healthy work environment.

Employees working together to solve problems and offer solutions is a great advantage to any business facing a loss or issues.


As more and more businesses have started incorporating technology and new methods to garner success, there is very little chance of creating a name if you do not follow in their footsteps. To fight tough competition, create global recognition and run a remote business, an employee app is a vital tool. It helps personalize work for both employees and employers and creates a healthy, flourishing workplace environment.

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