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© Hector Argüello Canals / Unsplash

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WWF One Planet City Challenge winners to be announced at Urban Future

A remarkable programme has been developed to ensure that this will be the only event you need to attend if you care about the sustainable transformation of our cities. WWF One Planet City Challenge winners will be announced during Urban Future. Plus, 2,000+ of city leaders, influencers, and experts from many disciplines will openly share their experiences in what works and what doesn’t when driving sustainable change.

“We at WWF are excited to partner with Urban Future – we have a shared focus on action, especially transformative, focused action to combat climate change and build a One Planet Future where we can all thrive in harmony with nature. Our One Planet City Challenge is all about cities showing leadership in this transition and we are looking forward to announcing the OPCC winners at Urban Future’s event, says Carina Borgström-Hansson, head of WWF Cities.

The purpose of the challenge is to support cities in accelerating their climate transformation and showcase participants’ best practices. Over the past ten years, almost 600 cities from 53 countries have participated. The One Planet City Challenge is the largest and longest-running challenge of its kind.

“We are excited that WWF will announce their winners during Urban Future 2022. A global overview and active knowledge sharing is crucial to speed up the transformation of our cities,” says Gerald Babel-Sutter, CEO and Co-Founder of Urban Future.

Urban Future is Europe’s leading event for making cities sustainable and is taking place on June 1-3, 2022, in Helsingborg, Sweden. This is where doers such as NGOs, entrepreneurs, experts, Mayors, city planners, developers, and concerned citizens get together to bring about change.


WWF One Planet City Challenge: The winning cities will be announced at Urban Future on June 2, 2022 during the session ‘Visionary: Leading change. How to unleash your power to drive change’.

Urban Future:
 Meet more than 2,000 CityChangers during the 3-day Urban Future Conference | in Helsingborg, Sweden | June 1-3, 2022.

Cities FuckUp Night
Learn from the best and from their mistakes. Experience for yourself how true leaders deal with situations that go wrong – and hear from Mohamed Ridouani, Mayor of Leuven, Jan Gehl, famed founder of Gehl Architects, Fabian Dattner, female leadership advocate, and Pekka Timonen, Mayor of Lahti.

Topics you will love.
LeadershipTransforming Organisations | Impact Entrepreneurs | Revitalising Neighbourhoods| Building new districts|Skills for CityChangers

Track 1. Leadership: Making transformation happen
Meet the most passionate sustainability leaders from across Europe (and beyond) who will be openly share their experiences in 11 sessions. In “Leading Change” we will explore leaders and their personal journey, while “The Mission-Oriented Approach” looks at this powerful city-level management instrument to get things done. “Women changing the world” focuses on the impact women (can) have on urban transformation, while “Unlocking the potential of collaboration” will share key learnings to make new ways of collaboration work. Connect with more than 40 speakers from 3 continents and meet, among others,

Fermín Cerezo Peco | Valencia | the person behind Valencia’s mission-oriented approach
Fabian Dattner | Melbourne | started one of the world’s best female leadership programs
Khashayar Farmanbar | Stockholm | radically innovating Sweden’s energy system
Marie Carlsson | Gothenburg | implementing one of Europe’s largest fleets of e-buses
Thomas Becker | Copenhagen | running the String Network to transform 8 regions for 14m people

Field Trips.
With more than 20 field trips to choose among, you can experience the city together with the experts. See the city through the eyes of a child, visit the future home according to IKEA, or experience Helsingborg port and its self-charging electric vehicles. Dine with fellow CityChangers and Helsingborg residents or visit a very biased tour of Copenhagen. There is a field trip for every interest.

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At Urban Future you meet people who drive change to make our cities more sustainable. Be it mayors, architects, mobility experts, city planners, scientists, sustainability managers, representatives from start ups, environmentalists, innovation experts or others. What unites them is their passion for better cities.


Lisa Gatterbauer

Lisa Gatterbauer

Press contact Head of Communications PR & Marketing 004369913331321

We help make cities sustainable

At Urban Future you meet people who drive change to make our cities more sustainable. Be it mayors, architects, mobility experts, city planners, scientists, sustainability managers, representatives from start ups, environmentalists, innovation experts or others. What unites them is their passion for better cities.

Urban Future

Grillparzerstrasse 26
8010 Graz