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Only 28 days left: Welcome to Europe’s leading live event for sustainable cities.
Only 28 days left: Welcome to Europe’s leading live event for sustainable cities.

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Fresh from the Printers: Urban Future 2022 Programme

Meet more than 2,000 CityChangers during the 3-day Urban Future Conference | in Helsingborg, Sweden | June 1-3, 2022.

Cities FuckUp Night
Learn from the best and from their mistakes. Experience for yourself how true leaders deal with situations that go wrong – and hear from Mohamed Ridouani, Mayor of Leuven, Jan Gehl, founder of Gehl Architects, Fabian Dattner, female leadership advocate, and Pekka Timonen, Mayor of Lahti.

Topics you will love.

Track 1. Leadership
Any project’s success hinges on leaders who can inspire others, who nurture their communities, and teach the lessons they learned by making mistakes along the way.Let’s listen to and connect with some of the most exciting urban leaders around.

Making transformation happen
Meet the most passionate sustainability leaders from across Europe (and beyond) who will be openly share their experiences in 11 sessions. In “Leading Change” we will explore leaders and their personal journey, while “The Mission-Oriented Approach” looks at this powerful city-level management instrument to get things done. “Women changing the world” focuses on the impact women (can) have on urban transformation, while “Unlocking the potential of collaboration” will share key learnings to make new ways of collaboration work. Connect with more than 40 speakers from 3 continents and meet, among others,

Fermín Cerezo Peco | Valencia | the person behind Valencia’s mission-oriented approach
Fabian Dattner | Melbourne | started one of the world’s best female leadership programs
Khashayar Farmanbar | Stockholm | radically innovating Sweden’s energy system
Marie Carlsson | Gothenburg | implementing one of Europe’s largest fleets of e-buses
Thomas Becker | Copenhagen | running the String Network to transform 8 regions for 14m people

Track 2. Transforming Organisations
Cities and businesses are on a mission. To reach sustainability goals, they must comprehensively transform structures from the inside out. Let’s learn how to drive that change on every level to unleash our innovation power NOW.

Jacob Hartmann | Senior Consultant at Sharing Copenhagen
Ana Barjasic | European Innovation Council Board Member
Lena Conradi | Mayor of Asker

Track 3. Impact Entrepreneurs
In cities around the world, we see the emergence of a new breed of entrepreneurs: They are highly creative, fast-moving, and have sustainability in their genes. But most of all, they do it for the greater good of all. This track is all about connecting the sharpest minds with visionary entrepreneurs and urban leaders – and sharing the skills we need to scale impact.

Jennifer Keesmaat | CEO of the Keesmat Group
Nicholas Marschel | Co-founder of Orange Sky Laundry
Michael Shank | Communications Director at the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance

Track 4. Revitalising Neighbourhoods
Neighbourhoods make a city. They are what defines its identity. But not all of them thrive at the same pace. Hear from prime examples around the world about how to turn terrible into terrific, how to combine revitalisation with climate action, and how to involve the community along the way.

Carlos Moreno | Scientific Director at University Sorbonne
Iman Abbas | Safety Officer at the City of Helsingborg
Alberto Ruiz Carmena | Architect at the city of Malaga

Track 5. Building New Districts
What does it take to build a new district from scratch? And what if you’re not really starting from scratch? Learn about the untapped potential of re-developing brownfields, find out which stakeholders to involve, as well as what aspects of buildings, mobility, and energy to cover, and how to actually get started.

Anna Huttunen | Project Manager at the City of Lahti
Rupert Wronski | Deputy Head of Municipal Environmental Protection at Environmental Action Germany
Rui Moreira | Mayor of the City of Porto

Track 6. Skills for CityChangers
‘Whether you’re just getting started, gaining influence, or scaling for impact, Skills for CityChangers provides you with the know-how essential for taking your next step. Let’s learn critical skills for change-making from the best.

Erion Veliaj | Mayor of Tirana
Jeni Cross | Director of Research at the Institute for the Built Environment at Colorado State
Michael Shank | Communications Director at the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance
Lior Steinberg | Urban Planner and Co-founder of Humankind

51 Sessions...

  • Mission accepted: Climate-neutral cities: System Transformation is our only chance to succees: this is how.
    Chair Namrata Mehta from UN-habitat, speakers Darja Isaksson, Director General Vinnova, Olga Kordas, Programme Director of Viable Cities, Laila Kildesgaard, Director of KL, Fermin Cerezo Peco, Director of Innovation at Valencia City Council.
  • Revitalising neighbourhoods without $$$ Why wait for the big funds to arrive (or note) if you can just act yourself!
    Jorn Wemmenhove, Co-founder and Creative Strategist at Humankind. Luca Ballarini, Founder of Torino Stratosferica, Jaakko Blomberg, Executive Director of Helsinki Urban Art, Rozálie Kašparová Architect, Urban designer, Project Manager at IPR Prague, Danielle Litay, Urban Studio Director at HQ Architects.
  • Baltic Cities collaborate for change: How joining forces is supporting urban transformation across the region.Chair Wolfgang Schmidt Chairman of the UBC Smart and Prospering Cities Commission. Speakers Etienne Metais, Senior Manager at CDP Europe, Filip Elland, Head of Sustainability at Catellum.

Join leading organisations such as: C40, WWF Our Planet City Challenge, Eurotowns, UNECE, A Sustainable Tomorrow, Vinnova, Eurocities, The European Capital of Innovation Awards, Greater Copenhagen, Union of the Baltic Cities, and Covenant of Mayors and many more...

Field Trips.
With more than 20 field trips to choose among, you can experience the city together with the experts. See the city through the eyes of a child, visit the future home according to IKEA, or experience Helsingborg port and its self-charging electric vehicles. Dine with fellow CityChangers and Helsingborg residents or visit a very biased tour of Copenhagen. There is a field trip for every interest.

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Lisa Gatterbauer

Lisa Gatterbauer

Press contact Head of Communications PR & Marketing 004369913331321

We help make cities sustainable

At Urban Future you meet people who drive change to make our cities more sustainable. Be it mayors, architects, mobility experts, city planners, scientists, sustainability managers, representatives from start ups, environmentalists, innovation experts or others. What unites them is their passion for better cities.

Urban Future

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8010 Graz