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AOECS board. From the left: Linus Engqvist Richert, Sweden; Katre Trofimov, Estonia; Hilary Croft, UK; Tunde Koltai, Hungary; Susanna Tavares, Portugal; Floris van Overveld, Netherlands; Gill Brennan, Ireland
AOECS board. From the left: Linus Engqvist Richert, Sweden; Katre Trofimov, Estonia; Hilary Croft, UK; Tunde Koltai, Hungary; Susanna Tavares, Portugal; Floris van Overveld, Netherlands; Gill Brennan, Ireland

Press release -

AOECS Annual Conference - United for a better future for people with Celiac Disease

The Association of European Coeliac Societies has successfully held its first open-to-the-public Celiac Annual Conference and it is the 35th General Assembly. This time in Athens, Greece.

Two celiac societies from Georgia and Israel have been accepted as AOECS affiliate members, making AOECS the world's largest umbrella organization representing the voice of celiacs and other people with gluten issues.

Over 130 participants met at the foot of the Acropolis

For the Celiac Annual Conference, over 130 visitors, researchers, sponsors, and delegates from 38 national celiac societies came to Athens and got access to the state-of-the-art with regards to drug developments for celiacs and its complementary role with gluten-free diets; the dilemma around gluten-free beer and how to tackle it as well as further information about Food Contact Materials containing gluten and their impact for celiacs.

Lively debates, engaging hands-on break-out sessions, and a great social agenda, which included a visit to the Acropolis Museum and an exquisite gluten-free restaurant in the evening, created the perfect atmosphere for exchange, peer learning, and looking at the future with optimism.

The 35th General Assembly

This was the 35th time the Association of European Coeliac Societies met since the first meeting in Barcelona in 1988. Since then, the AOECS General Assembly is not only the highest decision body, but also serves as a yearly cornerstone event, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among AOECS member organizations, which represent people and their families affected by celiac disease in European countries.

The conference addressed advocacy and policy matters related to ensuring the rights and support of individuals affected by celiac disease. Through their vote, member societies shape the strategy of the AOECS to continue its work to raise awareness about celiac disease and advocate for fair and equal support to celiacs within Europe. To that aim, AOECS works hand-in-hand with other strategic partners including in the private sector.

What is the function of the AOECS General Assembly

The 38 national coeliac societies who are full members have voting rights at AOECS’s supreme authority, the General Assembly. Through a democratic voting session at the Annual General Meeting, decisions are ratified for the board to implement. It is the General Assembly that has the ultimate responsibility for the decisions and actions of AOECS.


The passion displayed by the attendees reaffirms the dedication and determination to continue the journey toward a world where celiac disease is better understood, early diagnosed, and managed effectively, ensuring a better quality of life for those affected, AOECS Secretary General Veronica Rubio said.

As the curtain falls on this year’s conference a feeling of accomplishment and the wish to continue advancing, with the great support and dedication of the whole celiac community. It is very inspiring to see the restless and passionate efforts of all national celiac societies to improve the lives of individuals affected by this chameleonic autoimmune condition, Veronica Rubio concludes.


AOECS extends our gratitude toward the sponsors who helped make this event possible:

Platinum sponsor: Dr.Schär
Gold sponsor: Fria
Silver sponsors: Asterisque The Bakery, Helios Pasta Industry, Marinos Kosmas, Nairn's,, Naturals, Renova, TUV Austria.

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AOECS is an independent, non-profit organization working for a better life for people affected by celiac disease. AOECS represents 38 enrolled national coeliac societies from different countries on an international stage.

Celiac disease (or coeliac disease) is an autoimmune disease where cereals containing gluten trigger an inflammatory reaction in the small intestine. Around 100 million people are estimated to suffer from celiac disease globally. Approximately only 25% of those have received a diagnosis, the rest are either unaware of their condition or suffer from various related ailments. Left untreated the disease causes severely reduced quality of life and increased risk of premature death.

Today, the only known cure for coeliac disease is a lifelong strict gluten-free diet.


Veronica Rubio

Veronica Rubio

Press contact Secretary General +32 473 18 25 03 News from AOECS

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Uniting and empowering coeliac societies in Europe and beyond

AOECS is an international non-profit organisation representing national coeliac societies from 34 different countries to strengthen and make our voice heard to raise awareness of coeliac disease, promote research into the diagnosis and management of this illness and to facilitate easy access to safe gluten free food.

Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS)

4, Rue de la Presse
B-1000 Brussels