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Nominations now open for prestigious Social Enterprise Wales Awards 2014

Nominations are now open for the Social Enterprise Wales Awards. The Awards are designed to recognise the innovation, inspiration and perspiration required to set up, run and grow successful social enterprises.

At a time when traditional approaches to businesses are being examined and questioned, social enterprises are working all across Wales, supplying services, training individuals, creating jobs and keeping money in local communities. Organised by the Wales Co-operative Centre, with funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the Welsh Government, the Social Enterprise Awards Wales recognise the impact that social enterprises make in the Welsh economy and in Welsh communities.

This year there are five categories:

Welsh Social Enterprise of the Year. Awarded to the most innovative, inspirational or aspirational social enterprise in Wales.

One to Watch. For newer social enterprises with the potential to grow and make a real impact in their community or local economy.

Buy Social / Market Builder. For businesses and organisations who support the growth and development of social enterprises by utilising social enterprise friendly procurement and purchasing approaches.

Inspiring Youth Enterprise. This new category is open to social enterprises and social enterprise projects led by individuals and groups aged from 8 to 24.

Social Enterprise Champions. Awarded to an individual who has made a difference in the development of social and community enterprise. This may be an individual who has led a social enterprise or who has been involved in the development of many social enterprises.

The winners will be decided by a panel of expert judges including some of Wales’s leading social entrepreneurs and announced at a ceremony to be held on Tuesday 30 September in Llanrwst.

Entries are open until Friday 11th July. For more information and to enter, visit

Previous nominees and winners of these Awards have included Credit Unions, community co-operatives, sports development enterprises, café’s and housing associations. The Awards highlight the range of industries and services that social enterprises operate in.

Derek Walker, Chief Executive of the Wales Co-operative Centre commented,

“The social enterprise sector in Wales is vibrant, dynamic and innovative. These Awards recognise the contribution that social enterprises make to the economy of Wales and the real difference make in our communities. I urge everyone involved in social enterprises in Wales to take this opportunity to raise awareness of the work that they are doing”.

The Awards are organised in partnership with Social Enterprise UK.


Mae'r enwebiadau bellach ar agor ar gyfer Gwobrau Mentrau Cymdeithasol Cymru. Nod Gwobrau Mentrau Cymdeithasol Cymru yw cydnabod yr arloesedd, yr ysbrydoliaeth a'r ymdrech sy'n ofynnol i sefydlu, rhedeg a thyfu mentrau cymdeithasol llwyddiannus.

Ar adeg pan fo agweddau traddodiadol tuag at fusnesau'n cael eu harchwilio a'u cwestiynu, mae mentrau cymdeithasol yn gweithio ledled Cymru yn cyflenwi gwasanaethau, yn hyfforddi unigolion, yn creu swyddi ac yn cadw arian mewn cymunedau lleol. Mae Gwobrau Mentrau Cymdeithasol Cymru, sy'n cael eu trefnu gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru a'u hariannu gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop a Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod yr effaith y mae mentrau cymdeithasol yn ei chael ar yr economi a chymunedau yng Nghymru.

Eleni ceir pum categori:

Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn. Yn gwobrwyo'r fenter gymdeithasol fwyaf arloesol, ysbrydoledig neu uchelgeisiol yng Nghymru.

Seren y Dyfodol. Ar gyfer mentrau cymdeithasol sy'n weddol newydd gyda'r potensial i dyfu a chreu effaith wirioneddol yn eu cymuned neu'r economi leol.

Prynu'n Gymdeithasol / Datblygu'r Farchnad Ar gyfer busnesau a sefydliadau sy'n cefnogi twf a datblygiad mentrau cymdeithasol trwy ddefnyddio dulliau caffael a phrynu cyfeillgar i fentrau cymdeithasol.

Ysbrydoli Menter Ieuenctid. Categori newydd yw hwn sy'n agored i fentrau cymdeithasol a phrosiectau mentrau cymdeithasol sy'n cael eu harwain gan unigolion a grwpiau rhwng 8 a 24 oed.

Pencampwyr Mentrau Cymdeithasol. Yn gwobrwyo unigolyn sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth wrth ddatblygu menter gymdeithasol a chymunedol. Gallai hwn fod yn unigolyn sydd wedi arwain menter gymdeithasol neu sydd wedi bod yn rhan o ddatblygiad llawer o fentrau cymdeithasol.

Bydd yr enillwyr yn cael eu penderfynu gan banel o feirniaid arbenigol sy'n cynnwys rhai o entrepreneuriaid cymdeithasol mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru a byddant yn cael eu cyhoeddi mewn seremoni a gynhelir ddydd Mawrth 30 Medi yn Llanrwst.

Y dyddiad cau yw dydd Gwener 11 Gorffennaf. Am ragor o wybodaeth ac i gyflwyno cais, ewch i

Mae enwebeion ac enillwyr blaenorol y Gwobrau hyn yn cynnwys Undebau Credyd, cwmnïau cydweithredol cymunedol, mentrau datblygu chwaraeon, caffis a chymdeithasau tai. Mae'r Gwobrau'n tynnu sylw at yr ystod o ddiwydiannau a gwasanaethau y mae mentrau cymdeithasol yn gweithredu yn eu plith.

Dywedodd Derek Walker, Prif Weithredwr Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru,

"Mae'r sector mentrau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn fywiog, yn ddynamig ac yn arloesol. Mae'r Gwobrau hyn yn cydnabod y cyfraniad y mae mentrau cymdeithasol yn ei wneud i economi Cymru a'r gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol y maent yn ei wneud yn ein cymunedau. Rwy'n annog pawb sy'n ymwneud â mentrau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru i fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r gwaith y maent yn ei wneud".

Mae'r Gwobrau'n cael eu trefnu mewn partneriaeth â Social Enterprise UK.


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  • Economy, Finance


  • derek walker
  • social enterprise uk
  • wales co-operative centre
  • social enterprise awards
  • social enterprise


  • Wales

Wales Co-operative Centre

The Wales Co-operative Centre was set up over thirty years ago and ever since has been helping businesses grow, people to find work and communities to tackle the issues that matter to them. Its advisors work co-operatively across Wales, providing expert, flexible and reliable support to develop sustainable businesses and strong, inclusive communities.

The Centre’s Social Enterprise Support Project is a European Regional Development Fund and Welsh Government funded project. The project has established more than 250 new Co-operatives and Social Enterprises, helped in excess of four hundred organisations to grow and has been instrumental in directly creating over 250 new jobs across Wales.

Social Enterprise UK

Social Enterprise UK is the national body for social enterprise.  It represents its members to support and help grow the social enterprise movement.  

Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru

Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru Sefydlwyd Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru dros dri deg mlynedd yn ôl ac ers hynny mae wedi bod yn helpu busnesau i dyfu, pobl i ddod o hyd i waith a chymunedau i fynd i'r afael â materion sy'n bwysig iddynt. Mae ei chynghorwyr yn gweithio'n gydweithredol ledled Cymru, yn darparu cymorth arbenigol, hyblyg a dibynadwy i gefnogi datblygu busnesau cynaliadwy a chymunedau cryf, cynhwysol.

Mae Prosiect Cymorth i Fentrau Cymdeithasol y Ganolfan yn brosiect sy'n cael ei ariannu gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop a Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r prosiect wedi sefydlu mwy na 250 o Fentrau Cymdeithasol a Chwmnïau Cydweithredol newydd, wedi helpu dros bedwar cant o sefydliadau i dyfu ac mae wedi bod yn rhan annatod o greu 250 o swyddi newydd yn uniongyrchol.

Social Enterprise UK

Social Enterprise UK yw'r corff cenedlaethol ar gyfer mentrau cymdeithasol. Mae'n cynrychioli ei aelodau i gefnogi a helpu tyfu'r mudiad menter gymdeithasol.


David Madge

Press contact Marketing, Press & Public Affairs Officer Press and Public Affairs. Marketing (primarily Succession and Consortia Project). 01792484005

Catherine Evans

Press contact Marketing Manager Overall responsibility for marketing and communications at the Wales Co-operative Centre 01443 743943

Mark Smith

Press contact Marketing Officer Social Media, Case Studies and Communities 2.0 029 2055 6163

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