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KRAV-labelled berries in juice and jam at IKEA

KRAV is a certification that guarantees decent working conditions for berry pickers and emphasizes the importance of inspection of the whole chain of production. Before the 2013 berry harvest, IKEA made the decision to only purchase KRAV-labelled berries. Berries are used in the juices and jams sold in more than 350 stores around the world.

The KRAV-labelled berries purchased by IKEA are used in juice and jam. Lingonberries are also used in the jam and drinks served in the store restaurants.

– We want to ensure that our products are produced responsibly throughout the entire production chain, therefore we made the decision before the 2013 harvest to only use KRAV-labelled lingonberries, blueberries and cloudberries. Independent audits of the berry pickers working conditions are continually carried out according to the KRAV certification specifications, which means that both we and our customers are assured that the berries are picked under good conditions, says Anders Lennartsson, Sustainability Manager, IKEA Food Services AB.

– It is rewarding to be part of KRAV’s long-term effort in the area of sustainability. That berries must be picked by workers who are not overworked is an important signal to the whole industry that produces results, not only in Sweden. There has already been an increase in interest in wild and KRAV-labelled products in Europe and the US, says Martin Engström, CEO, Olle Svensson AB.

KRAV tries to increase organic production and consumption, mainly by establishing standards and offering certification that allows use of the KRAV label. The KRAV label shows that a product is produced organically, which means that it is produced taking into consideration the environment, climate, animals and people.

IKEA restaurants are not KRAV certified nor are the juice and jam products, as that would amongst other things require that the sugar also be KRAV certified.

– That IKEA buys KRAV-labelled berries is a large and important step, which most importantly means better conditions for berry pickers, says Lars Nellmer, CEO, KRAV.


Lars Nellmer, CEO, KRAV, + 46 (0)18 17 45 01
Martin Engström, CEO Olle Svensson AB, + 46 (0)70 55 82 322


Det här är KRAV:
Sveriges mest kända miljömärkning för mat, uppbyggd på ekologisk grund med särskilt höga krav på djuromsorg, hälsa, socialt ansvar och klimatpåverkan.

KRAV-märket är ett registrerat varumärke hos Patent- och registreringsverket. Registreringen ger KRAV ekonomisk förening ensamrätt till varumärket KRAV.

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KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel, och är Sveriges mest kända hållbarhetsmärkning för mat. KRAV-märkt mat bidrar till ökad biologisk mångfald, god djurvälfärd, mindre klimatpåverkan och bättre arbetsvillkor. KRAV är en ekonomisk förening, ägd av 22 medlemsföretag och organisationer.


Klostergatan 13, Box 1037
751 40 Uppsala