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New web-based mining cadastre information services in Mongolia

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New web-based mining cadastre information services in Mongolia

The Computerised Mining Cadastre System (CMCS) was successfully implemented at the Cadastre Division of the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia in 2010, with the objective of strengthening and improving administrative procedures and public services related to mineral titling. The CMCS was developed by GAF AG and has substantially improved the quality and speed of licence transaction processing, reduced discretionary actions within the cadastre office, and prevented licences from overlapping other licences or protected areas. By now, the system is in operation since four years without any failure or disruption.

In 2014, the system was extended to include a dedicated web portal with real-time connection to the operational database. The main purpose of this portal is to enhance transparency in the mining sector by providing information to the general public and to governmental and private authorities and organisations about the mineral licensing activities in Mongolia, via the Internet. The services provided by the web portal enable visitors to:

  • Obtain real-time access to mineral licensing information
  • Retrieve information about present activities in the mineral sector, such as the tendering of areas for mineral licences
  • Access forms, documents and key information required to file applications

For registered users, the web portal offers additional possibilities to further optimise the processing of applications for mineral licenses, as well as enhancing customer relations. The functions available to registered users include:

  • Map and verify the availability of areas, and upload spatial data and respective alphanumeric information and application forms
  • Track the processing of applications for new mineral licenses and licence modifications

The new portal is available at http://cmcs.mram.gov.mn.

The portal was developed within the framework of the World Bank-funded Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project (MSISTAP) by GAF AG, a consultancy company based in Germany which has worldwide experience in the development of mining cadastre systems. The implementation is a customised component of GAF’s eMC+ electronic Mining Cadastre framework.

Online mining cadastre information service portal for Mongolia

About MRAM:

MRAM is assigned the strategic objectives of managing the central administration of the country’s mineral resources and energy sources, formulating development policies, and providing the required information and implementing policy guidelines in order to increase investment in the mineral sector in Mongolia. The agency provides all the services related to exploration and mining licences that are required to implement the state’s mineral laws.

Web: http://www.mram.gov.mn

Web: www.gaf.de | www3.gaf.de/emcplus

To obtain more information, please contact:


Daniela Miller

Arnulfstr.199, 80634 Munich

Tel. +49 (0) 89 12 15 28 0

Fax. +49 (0) 89 12 15 28 79



caption picture: Online mining cadastre information service portal for Mongolia

credits: GAF AG




About GAF:

GAF provides consultancy services in the mining governance sector, ranging from the implementation of computerised mining cadastre systems, title registries and geological and mineral information systems to the provision of capacity building and know-how. GAF, an e-GEOS, Telespazio company, is globally active and has an international reputation as an experienced service provider for private and public clients.

Web: www.gaf.de | www3.gaf.de/emcplus


Birgit Aigner

Birgit Aigner

Pressekontakt Technologie- und B2B-Marketing 089 543 44 065

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