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Hope after a stroke: Almost a third of Yorkshire stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

Hope after a stroke: Almost a third of Yorkshire stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

26% of stroke survivors in Yorkshire say having a stroke cost them their job. UK wide almost one in ten say it caused their relationship to end and 6% even lost their home Across the UK, over half of younger stroke survivors under the age of 50 say they have never emotionally recovered from their stoke But a quarter felt first signs of hope after a week since having a stroke – although nearly o

Hope after a stroke: A third of stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

Hope after a stroke: A third of stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

Almost 18% of stroke survivors in the North West say having a stroke cost them their job, UK wide almost one in ten say it caused their relationship to end and 6% even lost their home Across the UK, over half of younger stroke survivors under the age of 50 say they have never emotionally recovered from their stoke But a quarter felt first signs of hope after a week since having a stroke – althou

Soprano Laura Wright led a singing therapy session for the Second Chance Stroke Group. Photo courtesy of Phil Morley.

Celebrated soprano hits the high notes to give Suffolk stroke survivors Hope After Stroke

A Suffolk soprano used to singing before capacity crowds at Wembley Stadium gave a group of stroke survivors a more intimate performance in the humble surroundings of Great Barton Church Hall.
Laura Wright led a singing therapy session for 40 stroke survivors and their carers in support of the Stroke Association’s Hope After Stroke campaign.
As well as enjoying to Laura’s beautiful tones, me

"You switch off completely from worrying about anything. It’s a lovely feeling. You feel ‘wooo, this is good!’"

Devon woman lost her job and her home after a devastating stroke - new she's rebuilding her life by surfing

A 62-year-old Devon woman whose life was turned upside down after a devastating stroke has found a perfect way to forget the bad times… on a surfboard.
Sally Freeman lost her home and her job when she had a stroke four days before Christmas in 2015.
Supported by the Stroke Association, she has been rebuilding her life ever since and has recently been enjoying a course for stroke survivors fu

"Thanks to the Stroke Association I have plenty of hope and I have a bright future ahead of me."

Croydon man's stroke left him unable to speak or write properly and fearful that he wouldn’t be able to work

A Croydon man was devastated when a stroke left him unable to speak or write properly and fearful that he wouldn’t be able to work.
Roger, 48, was at home when a blood clot damaged the part of his brain that controls speech and caused a communication difficulty known as aphasia.
Roger was taking a career break to help look after his mum Lyanda who had been diagnosed with dementia. His stroke

Louise Copland, 36, from Glasgow, who had a stroke six years ago

Hope after a stroke: Nearly a quarter of Scottish stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

The practical, emotional and physical impact of having a stroke has been laid bare by a new survey of over 3,500 stroke survivors across the UK (220 respondents from Scotland), released today. The research, conducted by the Stroke Association ahead of World Stroke Day (29 October), is part of a renewed call for vital funds to help the charity give more survivors hope after their stroke and help th

Hope after a stroke: A third of stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

Hope after a stroke: A third of stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

30% of stroke survivors under the age of 60 say having a stroke cost them their job, almost one in ten say it caused their relationship to end and 6% even lost their home Over half of younger stroke survivors under the age of 50 say they have never emotionally recovered from their stoke But a quarter felt first signs of hope after a week since having a stroke – although nearly one in seven have

Stroke Association comment on - "Pandemic caused a plunge in numbers who saw a GP and this year is set to be worse than last"

Charlotte Nicholls, Head of Policy, Stroke Association said:
"In response to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, we saw a rapid move towards telehealth across healthcare. For many stroke survivors, this meant GP appointments, meetings with stroke consultants and rehabilitation therapies being delivered online or over the phone. Our Stroke Recoveries at Risk report found that the ma

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The UK's leading stroke charity helping people to rebuild their lives after stroke

The Stroke Association. We believe in life after stroke. That’s why we campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best possible recovery. It’s why we fund research to develop new treatments and ways to prevent stroke. The Stroke Association is a charity. We rely on your support to change lives and prevent stroke. Together we can conquer stroke.

Stroke Association

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EC1V 2PR London