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Post Office welcomes Government announcement of optional £600,000 settlements for convictions overturned on basis of Horizon evidence

Post Office welcomes Government announcement of optional £600,000 settlements for convictions overturned on basis of Horizon evidence

Post Office today welcomed the Government’s announcement that people whose convictions were overturned on the basis of Horizon evidence will be given the option of settling their claims for compensation for an up-front sum of £600,000, without the need to bring a formal claim.
Post Office Chief Executive Nick Read said: “Post Office is making good progress to pay compensation to those affected

Statement in response to Department for Business and Trade review Review of the Governance Relevant to Post Office Limited’s Senior Executive Remuneration

Statement in response to Department for Business and Trade review Review of the Governance Relevant to Post Office Limited’s Senior Executive Remuneration

Post Office welcomes the comprehensive report into the governance of senior executive remuneration. We regret the circumstances that led to the need for this report and have already put in place significant steps to improve governance further. We reiterate the sincere apology we have made to all those affected.
Henry Staunton, the new Chairman of Post Office Limited, said:
“I am writing to

Post Office statement following CCRC article on referring convictions and sentences to the courts

Post Office statement following CCRC article on referring convictions and sentences to the courts

Commenting on a long-read article by the Criminal Cases Review Commission entitled 'Why all Post Office convictions cannot be referred at once', a Post Office spokesperson said:
“We are doing our utmost to encourage anyone who believes they were wrongly convicted to appeal.
“That is why we asked the independent Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) to also make contact with people whose c

Update on Post Office’s investigation into historical document containing racist and offensive language

Update on Post Office’s investigation into historical document containing racist and offensive language

Following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for documents held by Post Office’s Security Team during the period 2008 – 2011, a document was released that contained racist and offensive language.
Post Office does not tolerate racism in any shape or form. The language and classifications used in the historical document is completely abhorrent and condemned by today’s Post Office.
Post Of

Post Office statement - release of historical document via recent Freedom of Information request

Post Office statement - release of historical document via recent Freedom of Information request

Commenting on the release of a historical document disclosed via a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, A Post Office spokesperson said:
“Post Office does not tolerate racism in any shape or form. The language used in this historic document is completely abhorrent and condemned by today’s Post Office. We fully support investigations into Post Office’s past wrong doings and believe the Horizon

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