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AJG Direct: Bad day? Turn the frown upside down in 20 minutes.

Mindset and attitude determine success according to AJG Direct. Urging entrepreneurs to take control, the firm reveals their mind hacks to reverse a bad day.

In business, it is vital to maintaining a positive outlook. Personal and professional growth is fundamental to sustainable success. Attitude will heavily impact the outcome says AJG Direct. The firm mentor, a team of independent contractors and, has recently run a workshop centred around consciously reversing a negative attitude.

About the firm -

1. Just breathe. (5 minutes) Making time for peace and silence is crucial for innovation to occur. Make a conscious effort to relax the mind a body. Doctors confirm that daily medication can dramatically reduce stress levels and improve overall performance and improve decision making.

2. Check your thoughts. (5 minutes) Make a conscious effort to control thoughts. Using reference to a morning ritual completed by many, don't allow uncontrollable external factors including weather to determine mood. Focus on controllable factors and ensure steady progress is being tracked on the journey to success.

3. Write your grateful list. (3 minutes) Take three minutes to be thankful for mentally note down each one individually, revisit and add to the list daily.

4. Set your intention for the day. (5 minutes) Establish mental control by identifying critical goals for the day. Checklists are a great way to feel continually motivated about the day's progress.

5. Turn off the noise. (2 minutes) - Music is a great tool for setting the tone, upbeat music for when energy needs a boost, and calming music for stressful periods will help calm nerves and improve performance.

AJG Direct is committed to promoting positive values in the workplace. Regular workshops are designed to maintain focus on upskilling and personal development. Opportunities to advance will be readily available in 2018, those who demonstrate a passion for growth will be at the front of the queue for new opportunities.

Specialising in Event-based sales and marketing the company design and implement personalised marketing campaigns on behalf of their clients' brands. AJG Direct connect with consumers on a face-to-face basis to encourage long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer. Research supports the belief this often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.



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  • England


Stacey Kehoe

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