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Elderly in the Municipality of Sønderborg now only need to tell their story once

Elderly in the Municipality of Sønderborg now only need to tell their story once

In the Municipality of Sønderborg, community care providers have a new tool at their disposal – a new electronic health record solution for ensuring that the health of each citizen and other key information is properly recorded and made available for relevant employees across different municipal departments.

Systematic will be providing SitaWare Frontline for use in its M1A1 and M1A2 SEP V3 Abrams main battle tanks.

Poland bolsters C4ISR capabilities for armoured forces with SitaWare

SitaWare to be deployed as part of Poland’s acquisition of M1 Abrams main battle tanks and support vehicles, providing comprehensive C4ISR capabilities to the 18th Mechanised Division’s battalions in boosting advanced armoured and battlefield engineering operations.

SitaWare Insight

Systematic, Janes join forces to deliver critical insight to the battlefield

14 September, 2023 – DSEI, London, United Kingdom. Systematic and Janes are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the DSEI trade show to work on the delivery of Janes open-source defence intelligence to users of the SitaWare suite of C4ISR technology.
Under the MoU, Systematic will develop an application programming interface (API) to allow for the seamless

This year’s best new public library is in Spain

This year’s best new public library is in Spain

The Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez in Barcelona is an architectural and functional marvel, resembling a stack of open books and serving as a central community hub for 240,000 residents. Today, it was named Public Library of the Year 2023.

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Since our foundation in 1985, we have developed into an international IT company that focuses on five core business areas: Digitalisation, Healthcare, Defence, Intelligence & National Security, and Library & Learning

A common feature of all these sectors is a need to integrate, compare and analyse large volumes of complex data, and to generate an overview that allows decision-making based on a solid foundation, often in critical situations.
Even though our customers are active in many different fields, what we do is actually quite narrowly focused. As we see it, our role is to make complicated things simple, to continue development of the solutions that our customers already know and trust, and do everything a little better - and to constantly challenge existing work processes and technologies.

Everything we do at Systematic is expressed in our four brand values: Simplicity. Trust. Performance. Forward-thinking.

Systematic A/S

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8000 Aarhus C

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