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Rising payment fraud wave threatens consumers, retailers, and the payment sector as Black Friday approaches

Rising payment fraud wave threatens consumers, retailers, and the payment sector as Black Friday approaches

SIGNICAT, November 23rd, 2023 - With consumers gearing up for unbeatable deals and retailers and fintechs prepare for record-breaking sales, the scope of fraudulent payment activities is greater than ever. Market data reveals a concerning rise in various forms of payment fraud, presenting a significant challenge to the security of financial transactions during the holiday shopping season, which st

Total Economic Impact™ Studie von Signicat zeigt 303% ROI und 75% geringere, durch Betrug verursachte, Kosten

Total Economic Impact™ Studie von Signicat zeigt 303% ROI und 75% geringere, durch Betrug verursachte, Kosten

SIGNICAT, 22. November, 2023 — Signicat, der pan-europäische Marktführer in digitaler Identität, veröffentlichte heute eine bei Forrester Consulting in Auftrag gegebene Studie über den “Total Economic Impact™ (TEI)” von Signicat. Die Studie untersucht sowohl die quantifizierbaren aber auch die qualitativen Vorteile des Einsatzes von Signicat Lösungen für Unternehmen.

Durch Kundeninterviews

Total Economic Impact™ Study of Signicat finds 303% ROI and 75% reduced fraud cost

Total Economic Impact™ Study of Signicat finds 303% ROI and 75% reduced fraud cost

SIGNICAT, October 14th, 2023 — Signicat, the pan-European leader in Digital Identity, today released a study commissioned from Forrester Consulting on the Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) of Signicat. The study examines the significant benefits of Signicat's solutions for businesses, covering both quantifiable and qualitative advantages.

Through customer interviews and financial analysis, the F

Total Economic Impact™ Study of Signicat finds 303% ROI and 75% reduced fraud cost

Total Economic Impact™ Study of Signicat finds 303% ROI and 75% reduced fraud cost

SIGNICAT, October 13th, 2023 — Signicat, the pan-European leader in Digital Identity, today released a study commissioned from Forrester Consulting on the Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) of Signicat. The study examines the significant benefits of Signicat's solutions for businesses, covering both quantifiable and qualitative advantages.

Through customer interviews and financial analysis, the F

„Signicat“ bendro ekonominio poveikio tyrimas atskleidžia  303 % investicijų grąžą (IG) ir 75 % sumažėjusias sukčiavimo išlaidas

„Signicat“ bendro ekonominio poveikio tyrimas atskleidžia 303 % investicijų grąžą (IG) ir 75 % sumažėjusias sukčiavimo išlaidas

SIGNICAT, 2023 m. spalio 13 d. — „Signicat“, pirmaujantis skaitmeninės tapatybės sprendimų teikėjas Europoje, šiandien paskelbė iš „Forrester Consulting“ užsakytą tyrimą apie „Signicat“ bendrą ekonominį poveikį™ (TEI). Tyrime nagrinėjama didelė „Signicat“ sprendimų nauda verslui, įskaitant tiek kiekybinius, tiek kokybinius pranašumus.

Atlikus interviu su klientais ir finansinę analizę, „Fo

ISTEC and Signicat have launch a solution to request a digital certificate online across Europe

ISTEC and Signicat have launch a solution to request a digital certificate online across Europe

A process that, until now, had to be carried out in person, with an average wait of two weeks. Thanks to Signicat's technology, ISTEC has become the first entity to offer the possibility of obtaining qualified digital certificates through a video identification solution.

Signicat, 25thof October 2023- Istec, (Infraestructures i Serveis de Telecomunicacions i Certificació, SA), qualified p

Signicat launches Signicat Mint, a no-code platform to revolutionize Digital Identity process building in all industries

Signicat launches Signicat Mint, a no-code platform to revolutionize Digital Identity process building in all industries

Signicat, September 19th 2023 – Signicat, the leading platform of digital identity solutions in Europe, announces the launch of its new product: Signicat Mint. A no-code platform to design, build, and deploy any digital identity processes in a no-code visual editor that promises to change the way businesses build their digital identity processes across Europe.

Signicat’s Digital

Signicat veröffentlicht “Signicat Mint”, die “No-Code” Plattform, die die digitalen Identitäts-Prozesse revolutionieren wird

Signicat veröffentlicht “Signicat Mint”, die “No-Code” Plattform, die die digitalen Identitäts-Prozesse revolutionieren wird

Signicat, 19. September 2023 – Signicat, die führende Plattform für digitale Identitäts-Lösungen in Europa veröffentlicht ihr neuestes Produkt: Signicat Mint. Signicat Mint ist eine “No-Code” Plattform zum Planen, Abbilden und Veröffentlichen von Geschäftsprozessen rund um digitale Identitäts-Prozesse. Benutzerfreundlich, in einem intuitiven, visuellen “No-Code“ Editor, der verspricht den Weg wie

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