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Chemistry Matters: Eureka!

Discover how groundbreaking discoveries are both thrilling and lonely as described by Nobel Laureates. To see other chemistry videos, please visit:
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Relaterat innehåll

Why Chemistry Matters to Nobel Laureates

In celebration of the International Year of Chemistry 2011, Nobel Media, the company managing the Nobel Prize media portfolio, has produced short educational videos capturing 16 Nobel Laureates’ opinions on why chemistry matters. Designed for all students considering a career in chemistry, the videos are available on, the official web site of the Nobel Prize.

Why Chemistry Matters to Nobel Laureates

In celebration of the International Year of Chemistry 2011, Nobel Media, the company managing the Nobel Prize media portfolio, has produced short educational videos capturing 16 Nobel Laureates’ opinions on why chemistry matters. Designed for all students considering a career in chemistry, the videos are available on, the official web site of the Nobel Prize.