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Swedens Biggest SingleUse Free Festival Launches This Weekend

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Swedens Biggest SingleUse Free Festival Launches This Weekend

Sweden’s Biggest Single-use-free Festival Launches This Weekend with Tableware from Light My Fire of Sweden

From August 29th to September 1st, the Street Food Festival during KulturKalaset will mark Sweden’s largest commitment to a single-use-free event. The goal is to replace over 100,000 units during the four days. This initiative includes reusable tableware, return stations, and, crucially, dishwashing solutions to ensure a smooth operation.

“We believe that with a bold commitment to single-use alternatives, we can revolutionize the way we experience events,” says Calill Odqvist Jagusch, CEO of Light My Fire of Sweden, who has developed the reusable BORROW Program. “By fully committing to reusable options and avoiding the confusion that comes with mixing single-use and reusable items, we can significantly reduce waste and elevate the overall experience for everyone involved.”

Magnus Ericsson, R&D Manager at Wexiödisk, which produces commercial dishwashers, adds, “We see dishwashing as a central part of the transition to single-use-free events. Our extensive experience with dishwashing solutions ensures that this can work at events like these.”

“As the world shifts toward regenerative practices that reduce waste, it’s time for restaurants, hotels, municipalities, and event organizers to embrace going single-use-free,” says Odqvist Jagusch. “Imagine where every guest enjoys a great culinary experience, all while minimizing waste and reducing our climate impact. And the best part is it doesn’t have to cost more.”

By prioritizing clear communication with all stakeholders before the event, Light My Fire and Wexiödisk aim to pave the way toward a waste-free world. This initiative is a collaboration with the Street Food Festival and the initiator and funder Göteborg & Co, the Kulturkalaset organizer.

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Light My Fire is a pioneering company focused on reducing plastic waste and advancing the transition to a regenerative economy. By repurposing plastic products and developing innovative solutions, Light My Fire aims to drive behavioral change and promote responsible plastic usage. With a range of programs catering to consumers and different industries, the company collaborates with diverse stakeholders to eliminate single-use plastics and create a regenerative future.


Camilla Gersland

Camilla Gersland

Press contact 070-0896285

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