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Formgivaren Anna Holmquist försvarar sin avhandling Produktionsnoveller

Formgivaren Anna Holmquist försvarar sin avhandling Produktionsnoveller

Anna Holmquist utgör ena halvan av designduon Folkform som hon sedan 2005 driver med Chandra Ahlsell. Sedan start har de arbetat för att lyfta fram svenskt kultur- och hantverksarv och deras pågående utställning (t o m 29 april) Den sista Masoniteskivan på Konstakademien i Stockholm, är en del av Holmquists avhandling Produktionsnoveller – Om Folkforms arbete med Masonite och andra material (Konst

Master's student Gabriel Gabriel Garble's film selected for the Sundance Film Festival

Master's student Gabriel Gabriel Garble's film selected for the Sundance Film Festival

Today the Sundance Film Festival officially announced Gabriel Gabriel Garble’s participation with his film Well Wishes My Love, Your Love in the 2023 programme.
Animator and filmmaker Gabriel Gabriel Garble, who is in the second year of the Visual Communication master's programme at Konstfack, has been selected to show his animated short film, Well Wishes My Love, Your Love at the prestigious S

Masterstudenten Gabriel Gabriel Garbles film utvald till Sundance Film Festival

Masterstudenten Gabriel Gabriel Garbles film utvald till Sundance Film Festival

I dag meddelade Sundance Film Festival officiellt att Gabriel Gabriel Garble deltar i 2023 års program med sin film Well Wishes My Love, Your Love.
Animatören och filmregissören Gabriel Gabriel Garble, som läser andra året på Konstfacks masterprogram i visuell kommunikation, presenterar sin animerade kortfilm Well Wishes My Love, Your Love på den prestigefyllda Sundance Film Festival som visar

”A Motion’s Reply”. Artist, photo/editing: Judit Fritz

Welcome to the Social Club CRAFT at Konstfack during Stockholm Craft Week

You're invited to participate in the Social Club CRAFT, a series of informal and reflective discussions on a variety of topics related to craft practices. Konstfack's biggest exhibition space Vita havet will be transformed into a hub for conversations and meetings.
When and where? Thursday and Friday, 6–7 October, at 10–12 at Konstfack
Moderators: Curator/writer Sarah Darro (USA), curator Am

Patrick Lacey from Åbäke new Professor in Visual Communication; "Konstfack is an incredible ecology of knowledge..."

Patrick Lacey from Åbäke new Professor in Visual Communication; "Konstfack is an incredible ecology of knowledge..."

Patrick Lacey is a graphic designer and part of the transdisciplinary collective/design studio Åbäke, based in London, Copenhagen and Stockholm, together with Benjamin Reichen, Kajsa Ståhl and Maki Suzuki. They met and began working together at the Royal College of Art, started their practice in 2000. Åbäke is renowned for embracing the collaborative aspect of their assignments, the way are involv

Foto fr v: Arseny Selov, Annelie Hultman och Mikael Sjöberg.

Stort nyinstiftat industridesignstipendium till Konstfacksalumnen Annelie Hultman som ”visar på innovationshöjd både i genomförande och materialutforskande”

Annelie Hultman, som tog examen från masterprogrammet i design i våras, får utöver ära och diplom ta emot 85 000 kronor som den första mottagaren av The Hans Ehrich Award for Excellent Young Industrial Design. 
Stipendiaten Annelie Hultman, född 1992, gick Konstfacks kandidatprogram Industridesign mellan 2015 och 2018 inklusive ett utbyte på Elisava School of Design and Engineering i Barcelona.

Photo: Lars Ernholm

We learn the most through practical activity, by getting lost and failing, says Konstfack’s new Professor in Fine Art Lina Selander

The artist Lina Selander is Konstfack’s new Professor in Fine Art, with emphasis on narrativity and installation. Her long-running, international practice includes exhibitions, public commissions and publishing and her teaching practice has been a key element in the progress of her work. Lina Selander is a former Guest Professor in Fine Art at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm (2017–2022), s

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Konstfack är Sveriges största konstnärliga högskola inom konst, design och konsthantverk.

Konstfack is Sweden’s largest university for arts, crafts and design. Since 1844, we have educated a diverse range of professionals within these fields as well as art and sloyd teachers. We conduct both artistic and scientific education/research and currently have 900 students and 200 employees. www.konstfack.se


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126 37 Hägersten