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First bank in Germany, OLB, to sign with Doconomy for CO2 impact on users everyday transactions

Doconomy has signed an agreement with German bank OLB, Oldenburgische Landesbank, to provide the bank with an app that help their clients become climate smart and see how their consumption affects the climate. Through the partnership with OLB, Doconomy makes its entry with the Åland Index impact methodology in Germany. Åland Index is already used by several banks in the Nordics, Italy and the U.S.

Thursday September 24: The first panel discussion focuses on how new forms of labeling products may affect the consumers choices.

Climate Week NYC: Doconomy shares insights, successes and obstacles yet to overcome

As a part of Climate Week NYC Doconomy hosts two digital panel discussions, open for all to take part of. The initiative comes out of an ambition to share successful stories of brands and organizations making a difference, but also to highlight obstacles yet to overcome. And hopefully create new and broader collaborations to enforce everyday climate action.
The participants of the panels repres

Iconic Chair Designer Emeco Uses The 2030 Calculator  for its Entire Product Range

Climate Week New York: Iconic Chair Designer Emeco Uses The 2030 Calculator for its Entire Product Range

Doconomy provides both consumers and brands with the digital tools to help understand and reduce the environmental impact of consumption. The 2030 Calculator, launched just a few months ago, brings manufacturers and product brands fast and reliable carbon footprint calculations for specific products, with the aim to democratize and enable brands of all sizes to be transparent.

Climate Week New York:  Ikoniska möbeldesignern Emeco väljer The 2030 Calculator för att beräkna klimatpåverkan från hela sitt produktutbud.

Climate Week New York: Ikoniska möbeldesignern Emeco väljer The 2030 Calculator för att beräkna klimatpåverkan från hela sitt produktutbud.

Doconomy förser såväl konsumenter som varumärken med digitala verktyg för att bättre förstå och reducera påverkan från konsumtion. The 2030 Calculator, som lanserades i somras, ger producenter och varumärken snabba och tillförlitliga beräkningar av enskilda produkters koldioxidavtryck, med ambitionen att demokratisera alla bolags förmåga att bli transparenta kring påverkan.

Pandemin accelererar Doconomys expansion. +100 banker och bolag från hela världen i partnersamtal för att möta kundernas krav på hållbarhet

​Graden av ansvarstagande och behovet av transparens växer nu bland såväl konsumenter som företag. Inte minst bland de mest progressiva bankerna. Nya undersökningar visar att så många som två tredjedelar av befolkningen tror att klimatförändringarna kan vändas genom hur vi människor agerar* och konsumenter vill medverka till en hälsosammare värld i sin vardag.

The pandemic accelerates Doconomy’s expansion. + 100 banks and corporations from around the world in partnership conversation to build back better.

At a rapid pace, the sense of responsibility and urge for transparency amongst the public as well as progressive banks are growing. Latest research indicates on an average, two-thirds of people believe that climate change can be reversed by our action and consumers wants to contribute to a healthier planet in their daily efforts as well as with directing their money to work for good.

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Doconomy is the leading provider of innovative tools that enable efficient environmental impact reduction for individuals and businesses

Doconomy, founded in Sweden in 2018, is a world-leading provider of digital services for everyday climate action. Doconomy wants to future-proof life on planet earth by empowering individuals and corporations to take responsibility for their environmental footprint. We firmly believe that the climate crisis can only be solved as a collective. Doconomy is also a partner of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Mastercard, S&P Trucost, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Mitsui, and Parley for the Oceans.


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