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Broad-based sales improvement in Orkla

Broad-based sales improvement in Orkla

Our operating revenues increased by 21% in the second quarter to NOK 14.3 billion. Operating profit EBIT (adj.) rose by 39% to NOK 1,753 million. Orkla’s profit before tax amounted to NOK 1,854 million, an improvement of 38%.
Adjusted earnings per share were NOK 1.33 for the second quarter, a year-over-year increase of 17%.
Orkla’s branded consumer goods business achieved 17% growth in secon

Photo Bjørn Wad

Sales growth for Orkla

Orkla’s operating revenues increased by 15.4% in the first quarter to NOK 13,271 million. Operating profit EBIT (adj.) rose 18.1% to NOK 1,532 million. Group earnings before tax totalled NOK 1,544 million, an improvement of 7.7%.
In the first quarter, Orkla’s branded consumer goods business achieved 13.4% growth in operating revenues. Organic turnover growth was 7.7%.
The biggest improvement

Photo: Bjorn Wad

Orkla invests further in alternative proteins

Orkla Alternative Proteins has invested in the two start-ups Change Foods and Arkeon, which use unique technology to produce tomorrow’s cheese and proteins from CO2, respectively.

Change Foods is a start-up that makes cheese based on proteins produced through precision fermentation. Although cheese is the primary focus at present, the goal is to also use precision fermentation to make ta


Nils K. Selte new Orkla President and CEO

Orkla’s Board of Directors has appointed Nils K. Selte as new Group President and CEO. He succeeds Jaan Ivar Semlitsch, who has headed the Group since August 2019. Mr Selte will take up his position on 11 April 2022.
“Jaan Ivar Semlitsch has led the company through the difficult time of pandemic, during which Orkla has managed to maintain its good delivery performance and cash flow. Orkla has m

Orkla acquires Hadecoup in Belgium

Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Idun Industri AS, Orkla Food Ingredients has signed and completed an agreement to purchase the Belgian company Hadecoup, thereby strengthening its position in ice cream ingredients and accessories in the Benelux region.
Today, Orkla announced its purchase of 70% of the shares in the Belgian company Hadecoup. The company is a leading player in the sale and dis

Photo: Bjorn Wad

Orkla’s Annual Report now published

Orkla’s Annual Report for 2021, which also includes its Sustainability Report, has been published today.
As stated in the Annual Report, operating revenues increased by 7.0% to NOK 50,441 million in 2021. Operating profit EBIT (adj.) rose 11.9% in 2021 to NOK 6,145 million.
In 2021, earnings per share (adjusted) amounted to NOK 5.17, an increase of 2.6%. Orkla’s Board of Directors will pro

Orkla Health acquires Healthspan

Orkla Health has acquired 100 per cent of the shares in Healthspan Group Limited, a leading supplier of dietary supplements in the British market.
Healthspan was established in 1996 and has since built up a strong brand and a broad range of dietary supplements and skin care products. A total of 92 per cent of the company’s sales are made directly to consumers and the company has around half a

Kenneth Haavet leaves Orkla

Kenneth Haavet leaves Orkla

Executive Vice President Kenneth Haavet (41) has resigned from his position as CEO of Orkla Consumer & Financial Investments. Thomas Ljungqvist (42) has been appointed interim Executive Vice President and CEO of the business area. He will be a member of Orkla’s Group Executive Board.
“I want to thank Kenneth for developing Orkla Consumer & Financial Investments into a growth-oriented, p

Good income growth for Orkla

Good income growth for Orkla

Orkla’s operating revenues increased by 11.1% in the fourth quarter to NOK 14,027 million. The Group’s profit before tax amounted to NOK 1,841 million, an improvement of 42.7%. Operating profit EBIT (adj.) rose by 18.9%, to NOK 1,871 million.
Operating revenues for the full year increased by 7.0 % to NOK 50,441 million. In 2021, operating profit EBIT (adj.) showed growth of 11.9% and amounted t

Photo: Bjørn Eide

Orkla acquires Vesterålen Marine Olje

Orkla Health has purchased 95 per cent of the shares in Vesterålen Marine Olje AS, which produces various residual raw materials from white fish for use, for example, in the production of cod liver oil.

Orkla President and CEO Jaan Ivar Semlitsch, photo cred: Bjørn Wad

Orkla on top Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Orkla is one of the leading ten per cent of food companies in terms of sustainability in Europe, according to the Dow Jones’ prestigious sustainability index.
For the 11th consecutive year Orkla is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe. This year’s total score of 63 out of 100 points is also an improvement on last year’s results.

“This is an important acknowledgement of

Orkla President and CEO Jaan Ivar Semlitsch. Photo Cred: Bjørn Wad

Growth for Orkla’s branded consumer goods

Orkla’s operating revenues increased by 10.3% to NOK 13,139 million in the third quarter of 2021. Operating profit EBIT (adj.) increased by 9.0% to NOK 1,712 million.
The Branded Consumer Goods business achieved organic sales growth of 4.1% in the quarter. The easing of coronavirus restrictions and higher demand contributed to improvement in the Out of Home channel, and sales to the grocery sec

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Welcome to Orkla Global!

Orkla ASA is a leading industrial investment company. Its scope of activity is brands and consumer-oriented companies. At present, Orkla has 11 portfolio companies.

Orkla has a long-term, industrial approach to its portfolio companies. We invest in companies where we can contribute to further value creation through our industry expertise, consumer insight and experience in building leading brands.

Orkla ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Orkla Global

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