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Planning permission granted for Quantafuel’s first UK plastics recycling plant

Planning permission granted for Quantafuel’s first UK plastics recycling plant

Quantafuel’s plans to build a series of plastic recycling plants across the UK are moving on swiftly after planning permission was granted for its first operation in Sunderland today.
Sunderland City Council has given the go-ahead for a new Plastic-to-Liquid (PtL) plant to be built on land at the Port of Sunderland, creating over 100 permanent jobs and processing plastic waste that is largely

Quantafuel og Geminors nyetablerede virksomhed, Polynate – Circular Plastic Solutions, skal indtage en vigtig position i værdikæden for plast

Quantafuel og Geminors nyetablerede virksomhed, Polynate – Circular Plastic Solutions, skal indtage en vigtig position i værdikæden for plast

Polynate – Circular Plastic Solutions, går efter at blive en førende aktør inden for plastgenanvendelse i Norden og Storbritannien. Virksomheden har nu fundet sin administrerende direktør, Ralf Schöpwinkel, der har 25 års erfaring fra branchen og senest har siddet i en ledende stilling hos Geminor.

”Jeg er meget motiveret og glæder mig til at starte i den nye rolle. Med Polynate kan vi ind

Plastic feedstock agreement signed between Resource Denmark and Finnish service company Lassila & Tikanoja (L&T)

Plastic feedstock agreement signed between Resource Denmark and Finnish service company Lassila & Tikanoja (L&T)

A feedstock agreement for the annual supply of at least 20,000 tons of Finnish household plastic waste has been secured for Resource Denmark, the country’s largest plastic waste sorting facility. For Resource, the annual value of the multi-year contract is in accordance with the company’s expectations.
The agreement with L&T is the first of its kind for Resource Denmark, which will be a m

Danmarks største plastsorteringsanlæg, Resource Denmark, sikrer 20.000 tons husholdningsplast per år med ny aftale med finske Lassila & Tikanoja (L&T)

Danmarks største plastsorteringsanlæg, Resource Denmark, sikrer 20.000 tons husholdningsplast per år med ny aftale med finske Lassila & Tikanoja (L&T)

Aftalen er den første af sin slags for Resource. Når anlægget i Esbjerg sættes i drift omkring årsskiftet 2023/2024, bliver det en vigtig bidragsyder til at nå målene for genanvendelse af plast i Norden.
Der er behov for en forbedret infrastruktur for sortering af plastaffald, fordi en stor del af plast i dag forbrændes eller eksporteres til udlandet. Med en kapacitet til at sortere op til 160.

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Quantafuel upgrades plastic waste into valuable products that are in high demand.
The entire value chain is circular. Quantafuel aims to rapidly build up production capacity on a global scale and to have a meaningful impact on one of our time's most pressing environmental challenges.


Quantafuel ASA, Lilleakerveien 2C
0283 Oslo